Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Cppcheck team.
4  *
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 #include "checkclass.h"
22 #include "astutils.h"
23 #include "library.h"
24 #include "settings.h"
25 #include "standards.h"
26 #include "symboldatabase.h"
27 #include "errorlogger.h"
28 #include "errortypes.h"
29 #include "platform.h"
30 #include "token.h"
31 #include "tokenize.h"
32 #include "tokenlist.h"
33 #include "utils.h"
34 #include "valueflow.h"
36 #include <algorithm>
37 #include <cctype>
38 #include <cstring>
39 #include <iterator>
40 #include <utility>
41 #include <unordered_map>
43 #include "xml.h"
45 namespace CTU {
46  class FileInfo;
47 }
49 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 // Register CheckClass..
52 namespace {
53  CheckClass instance;
54 }
56 static const CWE CWE398(398U); // Indicator of Poor Code Quality
57 static const CWE CWE404(404U); // Improper Resource Shutdown or Release
58 static const CWE CWE665(665U); // Improper Initialization
59 static const CWE CWE758(758U); // Reliance on Undefined, Unspecified, or Implementation-Defined Behavior
60 static const CWE CWE762(762U); // Mismatched Memory Management Routines
62 static const CWE CWE_ONE_DEFINITION_RULE(758U);
64 static const char * getFunctionTypeName(Function::Type type)
65 {
66  switch (type) {
68  return "constructor";
70  return "copy constructor";
72  return "move constructor";
74  return "destructor";
76  return "function";
78  return "operator=";
79  case Function::eLambda:
80  return "lambda";
81  }
82  return "";
83 }
85 static bool isVariableCopyNeeded(const Variable &var, Function::Type type)
86 {
87  bool isOpEqual = false;
88  switch (type) {
90  isOpEqual = true;
91  break;
94  break;
95  default:
96  return true;
97  }
99  return (!var.hasDefault() || isOpEqual) && // default init does not matter for operator=
100  (var.isPointer() ||
102  (var.valueType() && var.valueType()->type >= ValueType::Type::CHAR));
103 }
105 static bool isVclTypeInit(const Type *type)
106 {
107  if (!type)
108  return false;
109  return std::any_of(type->derivedFrom.begin(), type->derivedFrom.end(), [&](const Type::BaseInfo& baseInfo) {
110  if (!baseInfo.type)
111  return true;
112  if (isVclTypeInit(baseInfo.type))
113  return true;
114  return false;
115  });
116 }
117 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 CheckClass::CheckClass(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger)
120  : Check(myName(), tokenizer, settings, errorLogger),
121  mSymbolDatabase(tokenizer?tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase():nullptr)
122 {}
124 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 // ClassCheck: Check that all class constructors are ok.
126 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 {
130  const bool printStyle = mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style);
131  const bool printWarnings = mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning);
132  if (!printStyle && !printWarnings && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("uninitMemberVar"))
133  return;
135  logChecker("CheckClass::checkConstructors"); // style,warning
137  const bool printInconclusive = mSettings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive);
138  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
139  if (mSettings->hasLib("vcl") && isVclTypeInit(scope->definedType))
140  continue;
142  const bool unusedTemplate = Token::simpleMatch(scope->classDef->previous(), ">");
144  const bool usedInUnion = std::any_of(mSymbolDatabase->scopeList.cbegin(), mSymbolDatabase->scopeList.cend(), [&](const Scope& unionScope) {
145  if (unionScope.type != Scope::eUnion)
146  return false;
147  return std::any_of(unionScope.varlist.cbegin(), unionScope.varlist.cend(), [&](const Variable& var) {
148  return var.type() && var.type()->classScope == scope;
149  });
150  });
152  // There are no constructors.
153  if (scope->numConstructors == 0 && printStyle && !usedInUnion) {
154  // If there is a private variable, there should be a constructor..
155  int needInit = 0, haveInit = 0;
156  std::vector<const Variable*> uninitVars;
157  for (const Variable &var : scope->varlist) {
158  if (var.isPrivate() && !var.isStatic() &&
159  (!var.isClass() || (var.type() && var.type()->needInitialization == Type::NeedInitialization::True))) {
160  ++needInit;
161  if (!var.isInit() && !var.hasDefault() && var.nameToken()->scope() == scope) // don't warn for anonymous union members
162  uninitVars.emplace_back(&var);
163  else
164  ++haveInit;
165  }
166  }
167  if (needInit > haveInit) {
168  if (haveInit == 0)
169  noConstructorError(scope->classDef, scope->className, scope->classDef->str() == "struct");
170  else
171  for (const Variable* uv : uninitVars)
172  uninitVarError(uv->typeStartToken(), uv->scope()->className, uv->name());
173  }
174  }
176  if (!printWarnings)
177  continue;
179  // #3196 => bailout if there are nested unions
180  // TODO: handle union variables better
181  {
182  const bool bailout = std::any_of(scope->nestedList.cbegin(), scope->nestedList.cend(), [](const Scope* nestedScope) {
183  return nestedScope->type == Scope::eUnion;
184  });
185  if (bailout)
186  continue;
187  }
190  std::vector<Usage> usageList = createUsageList(scope);
192  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
193  if (!(func.isConstructor() && (func.hasBody() || (func.isDefault() && func.type == Function::eConstructor))) &&
194  !(func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual && func.hasBody()))
195  continue; // a defaulted constructor does not initialize primitive members
197  // Bail: If initializer list is not recognized as a variable or type then skip since parsing is incomplete
198  if (unusedTemplate && func.type == Function::eConstructor) {
199  const Token *initList = func.constructorMemberInitialization();
200  if (Token::Match(initList, ": %name% (") && initList->next()->tokType() == Token::eName)
201  break;
202  }
204  // Mark all variables not used
205  clearAllVar(usageList);
207  // Variables with default initializers
208  for (Usage &usage : usageList) {
209  const Variable& var = *usage.var;
211  // check for C++11 initializer
212  if (var.hasDefault() && func.type != Function::eOperatorEqual && func.type != Function::eCopyConstructor) { // variable still needs to be copied
213  usage.init = true;
214  }
215  }
217  std::list<const Function *> callstack;
218  initializeVarList(func, callstack, scope, usageList);
220  // Assign 1 union member => assign all union members
221  for (const Usage &usage : usageList) {
222  const Variable& var = *usage.var;
223  if (!usage.assign && !usage.init)
224  continue;
225  const Scope* varScope1 = var.nameToken()->scope();
226  while (varScope1->type == Scope::ScopeType::eStruct)
227  varScope1 = varScope1->nestedIn;
228  if (varScope1->type == Scope::ScopeType::eUnion) {
229  for (Usage &usage2 : usageList) {
230  const Variable& var2 = *usage2.var;
231  if (usage2.assign || usage2.init || var2.isStatic())
232  continue;
233  const Scope* varScope2 = var2.nameToken()->scope();
234  while (varScope2->type == Scope::ScopeType::eStruct)
235  varScope2 = varScope2->nestedIn;
236  if (varScope1 == varScope2)
237  usage2.assign = true;
238  }
239  }
240  }
242  // Check if any variables are uninitialized
243  for (const Usage &usage : usageList) {
244  const Variable& var = *usage.var;
246  if (usage.assign || usage.init || var.isStatic())
247  continue;
249  if (var.valueType() && var.valueType()->pointer == 0 && var.type() && var.type()->needInitialization == Type::NeedInitialization::False && var.type()->derivedFrom.empty())
250  continue;
252  if (var.isConst() && func.isOperator()) // We can't set const members in assignment operator
253  continue;
255  // Check if this is a class constructor
256  if (!var.isPointer() && !var.isPointerArray() && var.isClass() && func.type == Function::eConstructor) {
257  // Unknown type so assume it is initialized
258  if (!var.type()) {
259  if (var.isStlType() && var.valueType() && var.valueType()->containerTypeToken && var.getTypeName() == "std::array") {
260  const Token* ctt = var.valueType()->containerTypeToken;
261  if (!ctt->isStandardType() &&
262  (!ctt->type() || ctt->type()->needInitialization != Type::NeedInitialization::True) &&
263  !mSettings->library.podtype(ctt->str())) // TODO: handle complex type expression
264  continue;
265  }
266  else
267  continue;
268  }
270  // Known type that doesn't need initialization or
271  // known type that has member variables of an unknown type
273  continue;
274  }
276  // Check if type can't be copied
277  if (!var.isPointer() && !var.isPointerArray() && var.typeScope()) {
278  if (func.type == Function::eMoveConstructor) {
279  if (canNotMove(var.typeScope()))
280  continue;
281  } else {
282  if (canNotCopy(var.typeScope()))
283  continue;
284  }
285  }
287  // Is there missing member copy in copy/move constructor or assignment operator?
288  bool missingCopy = false;
290  // Don't warn about unknown types in copy constructors since we
291  // don't know if they can be copied or not..
292  if (!isVariableCopyNeeded(var, func.type)) {
293  if (!printInconclusive)
294  continue;
296  missingCopy = true;
297  }
299  // It's non-static and it's not initialized => error
300  if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual) {
301  const Token *operStart = func.arg;
303  bool classNameUsed = false;
304  for (const Token *operTok = operStart; operTok != operStart->link(); operTok = operTok->next()) {
305  if (operTok->str() == scope->className) {
306  classNameUsed = true;
307  break;
308  }
309  }
311  if (classNameUsed && mSettings->library.getTypeCheck("operatorEqVarError", var.getTypeName()) != Library::TypeCheck::suppress)
312  operatorEqVarError(func.token, scope->className, var.name(), missingCopy);
314  // If constructor is not in scope then we maybe using a constructor from a different template specialization
315  if (!precedes(scope->bodyStart, func.tokenDef))
316  continue;
317  const Scope *varType = var.typeScope();
318  if (!varType || varType->type != Scope::eUnion) {
319  const bool derived = scope != var.scope();
320  if (func.type == Function::eConstructor &&
322  func.argCount() == 0 && func.functionScope &&
323  func.arg && func.arg->link()->next() == func.functionScope->bodyStart &&
324  func.functionScope->bodyStart->link() == func.functionScope->bodyStart->next()) {
325  // don't warn about user defined default constructor when there are other constructors
326  if (printInconclusive)
327  uninitVarError(func.token, func.access == AccessControl::Private, func.type, var.scope()->className, var.name(), derived, true);
328  } else if (missingCopy)
329  missingMemberCopyError(func.token, func.type, var.scope()->className, var.name());
330  else
331  uninitVarError(func.token, func.access == AccessControl::Private, func.type, var.scope()->className, var.name(), derived, false);
332  }
333  }
334  }
335  }
336  }
337 }
340 {
341  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("noExplicitConstructor"))
342  return;
344  logChecker("CheckClass::checkExplicitConstructors"); // style
346  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
347  // Do not perform check, if the class/struct has not any constructors
348  if (scope->numConstructors == 0)
349  continue;
351  // Is class abstract? Maybe this test is over-simplification, but it will suffice for simple cases,
352  // and it will avoid false positives.
353  const bool isAbstractClass = std::any_of(scope->functionList.cbegin(), scope->functionList.cend(), [](const Function& func) {
354  return func.isPure();
355  });
357  // Abstract classes can't be instantiated. But if there is C++11
358  // "misuse" by derived classes then these constructors must be explicit.
359  if (isAbstractClass && mSettings->standards.cpp >= Standards::CPP11)
360  continue;
362  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
364  // We are looking for constructors, which are meeting following criteria:
365  // 1) Constructor is declared with a single parameter
366  // 2) Constructor is not declared as explicit
367  // 3) It is not a copy/move constructor of non-abstract class
368  // 4) Constructor is not marked as delete (programmer can mark the default constructor as deleted, which is ok)
369  if (!func.isConstructor() || func.isDelete() || (!func.hasBody() && func.access == AccessControl::Private))
370  continue;
372  if (!func.isExplicit() &&
373  func.argCount() > 0 && func.minArgCount() < 2 &&
376  !(func.templateDef && Token::simpleMatch(func.argumentList.front().typeEndToken(), "...")) &&
377  func.argumentList.front().getTypeName() != "std::initializer_list") {
379  }
380  }
381  }
382 }
384 static bool hasNonCopyableBase(const Scope *scope, bool *unknown)
385 {
386  // check if there is base class that is not copyable
387  for (const Type::BaseInfo &baseInfo : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
388  if (!baseInfo.type || !baseInfo.type->classScope) {
389  *unknown = true;
390  continue;
391  }
393  if (hasNonCopyableBase(baseInfo.type->classScope, unknown))
394  return true;
396  for (const Function &func : baseInfo.type->classScope->functionList) {
397  if (func.type != Function::eCopyConstructor)
398  continue;
399  if (func.access == AccessControl::Private || func.isDelete()) {
400  *unknown = false;
401  return true;
402  }
403  }
404  }
405  return false;
406 }
409 {
411  return;
413  logChecker("CheckClass::checkCopyConstructors"); // warning
415  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
416  std::map<int, const Token*> allocatedVars;
418  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
419  if (func.type != Function::eConstructor || !func.functionScope)
420  continue;
421  const Token* tok = func.token->linkAt(1);
422  for (const Token* const end = func.functionScope->bodyStart; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
423  if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% ( new") ||
424  (Token::Match(tok, "%var% ( %name% (") && mSettings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2)))) {
425  const Variable* var = tok->variable();
426  if (var && var->isPointer() && var->scope() == scope)
427  allocatedVars[tok->varId()] = tok;
428  }
429  }
430  for (const Token* const end = func.functionScope->bodyEnd; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
431  if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% = new") ||
432  (Token::Match(tok, "%var% = %name% (") && mSettings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2)))) {
433  const Variable* var = tok->variable();
434  if (var && var->isPointer() && var->scope() == scope && !var->isStatic())
435  allocatedVars[tok->varId()] = tok;
436  }
437  }
438  }
440  if (!allocatedVars.empty()) {
441  const Function *funcCopyCtor = nullptr;
442  const Function *funcOperatorEq = nullptr;
443  const Function *funcDestructor = nullptr;
444  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
445  if (func.type == Function::eCopyConstructor)
446  funcCopyCtor = &func;
447  else if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual)
448  funcOperatorEq = &func;
449  else if (func.type == Function::eDestructor)
450  funcDestructor = &func;
451  }
452  if (!funcCopyCtor || funcCopyCtor->isDefault()) {
453  bool unknown = false;
454  if (!hasNonCopyableBase(scope, &unknown) && !unknown)
455  noCopyConstructorError(scope, funcCopyCtor, allocatedVars.cbegin()->second, unknown);
456  }
457  if (!funcOperatorEq || funcOperatorEq->isDefault()) {
458  bool unknown = false;
459  if (!hasNonCopyableBase(scope, &unknown) && !unknown)
460  noOperatorEqError(scope, funcOperatorEq, allocatedVars.cbegin()->second, unknown);
461  }
462  if (!funcDestructor || funcDestructor->isDefault()) {
463  const Token * mustDealloc = nullptr;
464  for (std::map<int, const Token*>::const_iterator it = allocatedVars.cbegin(); it != allocatedVars.cend(); ++it) {
465  if (!Token::Match(it->second, "%var% [(=] new %type%")) {
466  mustDealloc = it->second;
467  break;
468  }
469  if (it->second->valueType() && it->second->valueType()->isIntegral()) {
470  mustDealloc = it->second;
471  break;
472  }
473  const Variable *var = it->second->variable();
474  if (var && var->typeScope() && var->typeScope()->functionList.empty() && var->type()->derivedFrom.empty()) {
475  mustDealloc = it->second;
476  break;
477  }
478  }
479  if (mustDealloc)
480  noDestructorError(scope, funcDestructor, mustDealloc);
481  }
482  }
484  std::set<const Token*> copiedVars;
485  const Token* copyCtor = nullptr;
486  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
487  if (func.type != Function::eCopyConstructor)
488  continue;
489  copyCtor = func.tokenDef;
490  if (!func.functionScope) {
491  allocatedVars.clear();
492  break;
493  }
494  const Token* tok = func.tokenDef->linkAt(1)->next();
495  if (tok->str()==":") {
496  tok=tok->next();
497  while (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) {
498  if (allocatedVars.find(tok->varId()) != allocatedVars.end()) {
499  if (tok->varId() && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2), "%name% . %name% )"))
500  copiedVars.insert(tok);
501  else if (!Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2), "%any% )"))
502  allocatedVars.erase(tok->varId()); // Assume memory is allocated
503  }
504  tok = tok->linkAt(1)->tokAt(2);
505  }
506  }
507  for (tok = func.functionScope->bodyStart; tok != func.functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
508  if ((tok->isCpp() && Token::Match(tok, "%var% = new")) ||
509  (Token::Match(tok, "%var% = %name% (") && (mSettings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2)) || mSettings->library.getReallocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2))))) {
510  allocatedVars.erase(tok->varId());
511  } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% = %name% . %name% ;") && allocatedVars.find(tok->varId()) != allocatedVars.end()) {
512  copiedVars.insert(tok);
513  }
514  }
515  break;
516  }
517  if (copyCtor && !copiedVars.empty()) {
518  for (const Token *cv : copiedVars)
519  copyConstructorShallowCopyError(cv, cv->str());
520  // throw error if count mismatch
521  /* FIXME: This doesn't work. See #4154
522  for (std::map<int, const Token*>::const_iterator i = allocatedVars.begin(); i != allocatedVars.end(); ++i) {
523  copyConstructorMallocError(copyCtor, i->second, i->second->str());
524  }
525  */
526  }
527  }
528 }
530 /* This doesn't work. See #4154
531  void CheckClass::copyConstructorMallocError(const Token *cctor, const Token *alloc, const std::string& varname)
532  {
533  std::list<const Token*> callstack;
534  callstack.push_back(cctor);
535  callstack.push_back(alloc);
536  reportError(callstack, Severity::warning, "copyCtorNoAllocation", "Copy constructor does not allocate memory for member '" + varname + "' although memory has been allocated in other constructors.");
537  }
538  */
540 void CheckClass::copyConstructorShallowCopyError(const Token *tok, const std::string& varname)
541 {
542  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "copyCtorPointerCopying",
543  "$symbol:" + varname + "\nValue of pointer '$symbol', which points to allocated memory, is copied in copy constructor instead of allocating new memory.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
544 }
546 static std::string noMemberErrorMessage(const Scope *scope, const char function[], bool isdefault)
547 {
548  const std::string &classname = scope ? scope->className : "class";
549  const std::string type = (scope && scope->type == Scope::eStruct) ? "Struct" : "Class";
550  const bool isDestructor = (function[0] == 'd');
551  std::string errmsg = "$symbol:" + classname + '\n';
553  if (isdefault) {
554  errmsg += type + " '$symbol' has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s). The " + function + " is explicitly defaulted but the default " + function + " does not work well.";
555  if (isDestructor)
556  errmsg += " It is recommended to define the " + std::string(function) + '.';
557  else
558  errmsg += " It is recommended to define or delete the " + std::string(function) + '.';
559  } else {
560  errmsg += type + " '$symbol' does not have a " + function + " which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s).";
561  }
563  return errmsg;
564 }
566 void CheckClass::noCopyConstructorError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc, bool inconclusive)
567 {
568  reportError(alloc, Severity::warning, "noCopyConstructor", noMemberErrorMessage(scope, "copy constructor", isdefault), CWE398, inconclusive ? Certainty::inconclusive : Certainty::normal);
569 }
571 void CheckClass::noOperatorEqError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc, bool inconclusive)
572 {
573  reportError(alloc, Severity::warning, "noOperatorEq", noMemberErrorMessage(scope, "operator=", isdefault), CWE398, inconclusive ? Certainty::inconclusive : Certainty::normal);
574 }
576 void CheckClass::noDestructorError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc)
577 {
578  reportError(alloc, Severity::warning, "noDestructor", noMemberErrorMessage(scope, "destructor", isdefault), CWE398, Certainty::normal);
579 }
581 bool CheckClass::canNotCopy(const Scope *scope)
582 {
583  bool constructor = false;
584  bool publicAssign = false;
585  bool publicCopy = false;
587  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
588  if (func.isConstructor())
589  constructor = true;
590  if (func.access != AccessControl::Public)
591  continue;
592  if (func.type == Function::eCopyConstructor) {
593  publicCopy = true;
594  break;
595  }
596  if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual) {
597  publicAssign = true;
598  break;
599  }
600  }
602  return constructor && !(publicAssign || publicCopy);
603 }
605 bool CheckClass::canNotMove(const Scope *scope)
606 {
607  bool constructor = false;
608  bool publicAssign = false;
609  bool publicCopy = false;
610  bool publicMove = false;
612  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
613  if (func.isConstructor())
614  constructor = true;
615  if (func.access != AccessControl::Public)
616  continue;
617  if (func.type == Function::eCopyConstructor) {
618  publicCopy = true;
619  break;
620  }
621  if (func.type == Function::eMoveConstructor) {
622  publicMove = true;
623  break;
624  }
625  if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual) {
626  publicAssign = true;
627  break;
628  }
629  }
631  return constructor && !(publicAssign || publicCopy || publicMove);
632 }
634 static void getAllVariableMembers(const Scope *scope, std::vector<const Variable *>& varList)
635 {
636  std::transform(scope->varlist.cbegin(), scope->varlist.cend(), std::back_inserter(varList), [](const Variable& var) {
637  return &var;
638  });
639  if (scope->definedType) {
640  for (const Type::BaseInfo& baseInfo: scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
641  if (scope->definedType == baseInfo.type)
642  continue;
643  const Scope *baseClass = baseInfo.type ? baseInfo.type->classScope : nullptr;
644  if (baseClass && baseClass->isClassOrStruct() && baseClass->numConstructors == 0)
645  getAllVariableMembers(baseClass, varList);
646  }
647  }
648 }
650 std::vector<CheckClass::Usage> CheckClass::createUsageList(const Scope *scope)
651 {
652  std::vector<Usage> ret;
653  std::vector<const Variable *> varlist;
654  getAllVariableMembers(scope, varlist);
655  ret.reserve(varlist.size());
656  std::transform(varlist.cbegin(), varlist.cend(), std::back_inserter(ret), [](const Variable* var) {
657  return Usage(var);
658  });
659  return ret;
660 }
662 void CheckClass::assignVar(std::vector<Usage> &usageList, nonneg int varid)
663 {
664  auto it = std::find_if(usageList.begin(), usageList.end(), [varid](const Usage& usage) {
665  return usage.var->declarationId() == varid;
666  });
667  if (it != usageList.end())
668  it->assign = true;
669 }
671 void CheckClass::assignVar(std::vector<Usage> &usageList, const Token* vartok)
672 {
673  if (vartok->varId() > 0) {
674  assignVar(usageList, vartok->varId());
675  return;
676  }
677  auto it = std::find_if(usageList.begin(), usageList.end(), [vartok](const Usage& usage) {
678  // FIXME: This is a workaround when varid is not set for a derived member
679  return usage.var->name() == vartok->str();
680  });
681  if (it != usageList.end())
682  it->assign = true;
683 }
685 void CheckClass::initVar(std::vector<Usage> &usageList, nonneg int varid)
686 {
687  auto it = std::find_if(usageList.begin(), usageList.end(), [varid](const Usage& usage) {
688  return usage.var->declarationId() == varid;
689  });
690  if (it != usageList.end())
691  it->init = true;
692 }
694 void CheckClass::assignAllVar(std::vector<Usage> &usageList)
695 {
696  for (Usage & i : usageList)
697  i.assign = true;
698 }
700 void CheckClass::assignAllVarsVisibleFromScope(std::vector<Usage>& usageList, const Scope* scope)
701 {
702  for (Usage& usage : usageList) {
703  if (usage.var->scope() == scope)
704  usage.assign = true;
705  }
707  // Iterate through each base class...
708  for (const Type::BaseInfo& i : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
709  const Type *derivedFrom = i.type;
711  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope)
712  assignAllVarsVisibleFromScope(usageList, derivedFrom->classScope);
713  }
714 }
716 void CheckClass::clearAllVar(std::vector<Usage> &usageList)
717 {
718  for (Usage & i : usageList) {
719  i.assign = false;
720  i.init = false;
721  }
722 }
725 {
726  // Iterate through each base class...
727  for (const Type::BaseInfo & i : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
728  const Type *derivedFrom = i.type;
730  // Check if base class exists in database
731  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope) {
732  const std::list<Function>& functionList = derivedFrom->classScope->functionList;
734  if (std::any_of(functionList.cbegin(), functionList.cend(), [&](const Function& func) {
735  return func.tokenDef->str() == tok->str() && !func.isStatic() && !func.isConst();
736  }))
737  return true;
739  if (isBaseClassMutableMemberFunc(tok, derivedFrom->classScope))
740  return true;
741  }
743  // Base class not found so assume it is in it.
744  else
745  return true;
746  }
748  return false;
749 }
751 void CheckClass::initializeVarList(const Function &func, std::list<const Function *> &callstack, const Scope *scope, std::vector<Usage> &usage) const
752 {
753  if (!func.functionScope)
754  return;
756  bool initList = func.isConstructor();
757  const Token *ftok = func.arg->link()->next();
758  int level = 0;
759  for (; ftok && ftok != func.functionScope->bodyEnd; ftok = ftok->next()) {
760  // Class constructor.. initializing variables like this
761  // clKalle::clKalle() : var(value) { }
762  if (initList) {
763  if (level == 0 && Token::Match(ftok, "%name% {|(") && Token::Match(ftok->linkAt(1), "}|) ,|{")) {
764  if (ftok->str() != func.name()) {
765  if (ftok->varId())
766  initVar(usage, ftok->varId());
767  else { // base class constructor
768  for (Usage& u : usage) {
769  if (u.var->scope() != scope) // assume that all variables are initialized in base class
770  u.init = true;
771  }
772  }
773  } else { // c++11 delegate constructor
774  const Function *member = ftok->function();
775  // member function not found => assume it initializes all members
776  if (!member) {
777  assignAllVar(usage);
778  return;
779  }
781  // recursive call
782  // assume that all variables are initialized
783  if (std::find(callstack.cbegin(), callstack.cend(), member) != callstack.cend()) {
784  /** @todo false negative: just bail */
785  assignAllVar(usage);
786  return;
787  }
789  // member function has implementation
790  if (member->hasBody()) {
791  // initialize variable use list using member function
792  callstack.push_back(member);
793  initializeVarList(*member, callstack, scope, usage);
794  callstack.pop_back();
795  }
797  // there is a called member function, but it has no implementation, so we assume it initializes everything
798  else {
799  assignAllVar(usage);
800  }
801  }
802  } else if (level != 0 && Token::Match(ftok, "%name% =")) // assignment in the initializer: var(value = x)
803  assignVar(usage, ftok->varId());
805  // Level handling
806  if (ftok->link() && Token::Match(ftok, "(|<"))
807  level++;
808  else if (ftok->str() == "{") {
809  if (level != 0 ||
810  (Token::Match(ftok->previous(), "%name%|>") && Token::Match(ftok->link(), "} ,|{")))
811  level++;
812  else
813  initList = false;
814  } else if (ftok->link() && Token::Match(ftok, ")|>|}"))
815  level--;
816  }
818  if (initList)
819  continue;
821  // Variable getting value from stream?
822  if (Token::Match(ftok, ">>|& %name%") && isLikelyStreamRead(ftok)) {
823  assignVar(usage, ftok->next()->varId());
824  }
826  // If assignment comes after an && or || this is really inconclusive because of short circuiting
827  if (Token::Match(ftok, "%oror%|&&"))
828  continue;
830  if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "( !"))
831  ftok = ftok->next();
833  // Using the operator= function to initialize all variables..
834  if (Token::Match(ftok->next(), "return| (| * this )| =")) {
835  assignAllVar(usage);
836  break;
837  }
839  // Using swap to assign all variables..
840  if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual && Token::Match(ftok, "[;{}] %name% (") && Token::Match(ftok->linkAt(2), ") . %name% ( *| this ) ;")) {
841  assignAllVar(usage);
842  break;
843  }
845  // Calling member variable function?
846  if (Token::Match(ftok->next(), "%var% . %name% (") && !(ftok->next()->valueType() && ftok->next()->valueType()->pointer)) {
847  if (std::any_of(scope->varlist.cbegin(), scope->varlist.cend(), [&](const Variable& var) {
848  return var.declarationId() == ftok->next()->varId();
849  }))
850  /** @todo false negative: we assume function changes variable state */
851  assignVar(usage, ftok->next()->varId());
853  ftok = ftok->tokAt(2);
854  }
856  if (!Token::Match(ftok->next(), "::| %name%") &&
857  !Token::Match(ftok->next(), "*| this . %name%") &&
858  !Token::Match(ftok->next(), "* %name% =") &&
859  !Token::Match(ftok->next(), "( * this ) . %name%"))
860  continue;
862  // Goto the first token in this statement..
863  ftok = ftok->next();
865  // skip "return"
866  if (ftok->str() == "return")
867  ftok = ftok->next();
869  // Skip "( * this )"
870  if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "( * this ) .")) {
871  ftok = ftok->tokAt(5);
872  }
874  // Skip "this->"
875  if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "this ."))
876  ftok = ftok->tokAt(2);
878  // Skip "classname :: "
879  if (Token::Match(ftok, ":: %name%"))
880  ftok = ftok->next();
881  while (Token::Match(ftok, "%name% ::"))
882  ftok = ftok->tokAt(2);
884  // Clearing all variables..
885  if (Token::Match(ftok, "::| memset ( this ,")) {
886  assignAllVar(usage);
887  return;
888  }
890  // Ticket #7068
891  if (Token::Match(ftok, "::| memset ( &| this . %name%")) {
892  if (ftok->str() == "::")
893  ftok = ftok->next();
894  int offsetToMember = 4;
895  if (ftok->strAt(2) == "&")
896  ++offsetToMember;
897  assignVar(usage, ftok->tokAt(offsetToMember)->varId());
898  ftok = ftok->linkAt(1);
899  continue;
900  }
902  // Clearing array..
903  if (Token::Match(ftok, "::| memset ( %name% ,")) {
904  if (ftok->str() == "::")
905  ftok = ftok->next();
906  assignVar(usage, ftok->tokAt(2)->varId());
907  ftok = ftok->linkAt(1);
908  continue;
909  }
911  // Calling member function?
912  if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "operator= (")) {
913  if (ftok->function()) {
914  const Function *member = ftok->function();
915  // recursive call
916  // assume that all variables are initialized
917  if (std::find(callstack.cbegin(), callstack.cend(), member) != callstack.cend()) {
918  /** @todo false negative: just bail */
919  assignAllVar(usage);
920  return;
921  }
923  // member function has implementation
924  if (member->hasBody()) {
925  // initialize variable use list using member function
926  callstack.push_back(member);
927  initializeVarList(*member, callstack, scope, usage);
928  callstack.pop_back();
929  }
931  // assume that a base class call to operator= assigns all its base members (but not more)
932  else if (func.tokenDef->str() == ftok->str() && isBaseClassMutableMemberFunc(ftok, scope)) {
933  if (member->nestedIn)
935  }
937  // there is a called member function, but it has no implementation, so we assume it initializes everything
938  else {
939  assignAllVar(usage);
940  }
941  }
943  // using default operator =, assume everything initialized
944  else {
945  assignAllVar(usage);
946  }
947  } else if (Token::Match(ftok, "::| %name% (") && !Token::Match(ftok, "if|while|for")) {
948  if (ftok->str() == "::")
949  ftok = ftok->next();
951  // Passing "this" => assume that everything is initialized
952  for (const Token *tok2 = ftok->next()->link(); tok2 && tok2 != ftok; tok2 = tok2->previous()) {
953  if (tok2->str() == "this") {
954  assignAllVar(usage);
955  return;
956  }
957  }
959  // check if member function
960  if (ftok->function() && ftok->function()->nestedIn == scope &&
961  !ftok->function()->isConstructor()) {
962  const Function *member = ftok->function();
964  // recursive call
965  // assume that all variables are initialized
966  if (std::find(callstack.cbegin(), callstack.cend(), member) != callstack.cend()) {
967  assignAllVar(usage);
968  return;
969  }
971  // member function has implementation
972  if (member->hasBody()) {
973  // initialize variable use list using member function
974  callstack.push_back(member);
975  initializeVarList(*member, callstack, scope, usage);
976  callstack.pop_back();
978  // Assume that variables that are passed to it are initialized..
979  for (const Token *tok2 = ftok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) {
980  if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}]"))
981  break;
982  if (Token::Match(tok2, "[(,] &| %name% [,)]")) {
983  tok2 = tok2->next();
984  if (tok2->str() == "&")
985  tok2 = tok2->next();
986  if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok2, tok2->previous()->str() == "&", tok2->varId(), *mSettings, nullptr))
987  assignVar(usage, tok2->varId());
988  }
989  }
990  }
992  // there is a called member function, but it has no implementation, so we assume it initializes everything (if it can mutate state)
993  else if (!member->isConst() && !member->isStatic()) {
994  assignAllVar(usage);
995  }
997  // const method, assume it assigns all mutable members
998  else if (member->isConst()) {
999  for (Usage& i: usage) {
1000  if (i.var->isMutable())
1001  i.assign = true;
1002  }
1003  }
1004  }
1006  // not member function
1007  else {
1008  // could be a base class virtual function, so we assume it initializes everything
1009  if (!func.isConstructor() && isBaseClassMutableMemberFunc(ftok, scope)) {
1010  /** @todo False Negative: we should look at the base class functions to see if they
1011  * call any derived class virtual functions that change the derived class state
1012  */
1013  assignAllVar(usage);
1014  }
1016  // has friends, so we assume it initializes everything
1017  if (!scope->definedType->friendList.empty())
1018  assignAllVar(usage);
1020  // the function is external and it's neither friend nor inherited virtual function.
1021  // assume all variables that are passed to it are initialized..
1022  else {
1023  for (const Token *tok = ftok->tokAt(2); tok && tok != ftok->next()->link(); tok = tok->next()) {
1024  if (tok->isName()) {
1025  assignVar(usage, tok->varId());
1026  }
1027  }
1028  }
1029  }
1030  }
1032  // Assignment of member variable?
1033  else if (Token::Match(ftok, "%name% =")) {
1034  assignVar(usage, ftok);
1035  bool bailout = ftok->variable() && ftok->variable()->isReference();
1036  const Token* tok2 = ftok->tokAt(2);
1037  if (tok2->str() == "&") {
1038  tok2 = tok2->next();
1039  bailout = true;
1040  }
1041  if (tok2->variable() && (bailout || tok2->variable()->isArray()) && tok2->strAt(1) != "[")
1042  assignVar(usage, tok2->varId());
1043  }
1045  // Assignment of array item of member variable?
1046  else if (Token::Match(ftok, "%name% [|.")) {
1047  const Token *tok2 = ftok;
1048  while (tok2) {
1049  if (tok2->strAt(1) == "[")
1050  tok2 = tok2->next()->link();
1051  else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), ". %name%"))
1052  tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2);
1053  else
1054  break;
1055  }
1056  if (tok2 && tok2->strAt(1) == "=")
1057  assignVar(usage, ftok->varId());
1058  }
1060  // Assignment of array item of member variable?
1061  else if (Token::Match(ftok, "* %name% =")) {
1062  assignVar(usage, ftok->next()->varId());
1063  } else if (Token::Match(ftok, "* this . %name% =")) {
1064  assignVar(usage, ftok->tokAt(3)->varId());
1065  } else if (astIsRangeBasedForDecl(ftok)) {
1066  if (const Variable* rangeVar = ftok->astParent()->astOperand1()->variable()) {
1067  if (rangeVar->isReference() && !rangeVar->isConst())
1068  assignVar(usage, ftok->varId());
1069  }
1070  }
1072  // The functions 'clear' and 'Clear' are supposed to initialize variable.
1073  if (Token::Match(ftok, "%name% . clear|Clear (")) {
1074  assignVar(usage, ftok->varId());
1075  }
1076  }
1077 }
1079 void CheckClass::noConstructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct)
1080 {
1081  // For performance reasons the constructor might be intentionally missing. Therefore this is not a "warning"
1082  const std::string message {"The " + std::string(isStruct ? "struct" : "class") + " '$symbol' does not declare a constructor although it has private member variables which likely require initialization."};
1083  const std::string verbose {message + " Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior."};
1084  reportError(tok, Severity::style, "noConstructor", "$symbol:" + classname + '\n' + message + '\n' + verbose, CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1085 }
1087 void CheckClass::noExplicitConstructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct)
1088 {
1089  const std::string message(std::string(isStruct ? "Struct" : "Class") + " '$symbol' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.");
1090  const std::string verbose(message + " Such, so called \"Converting constructors\", should in general be explicit for type safety reasons as that prevents unintended implicit conversions.");
1091  reportError(tok, Severity::style, "noExplicitConstructor", "$symbol:" + classname + '\n' + message + '\n' + verbose, CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1092 }
1094 void CheckClass::uninitVarError(const Token *tok, bool isprivate, Function::Type functionType, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, bool derived, bool inconclusive)
1095 {
1096  std::string ctor;
1097  if (functionType == Function::eCopyConstructor)
1098  ctor = "copy ";
1099  else if (functionType == Function::eMoveConstructor)
1100  ctor = "move ";
1101  std::string message("Member variable '$symbol' is not initialized in the " + ctor + "constructor.");
1102  if (derived)
1103  message += " Maybe it should be initialized directly in the class " + classname + "?";
1104  std::string id = std::string("uninit") + (derived ? "Derived" : "") + "MemberVar" + (isprivate ? "Private" : "");
1105  const std::string verbose {message + " Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior."};
1106  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, id, "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + varname + '\n' + message + '\n' + verbose, CWE398, inconclusive ? Certainty::inconclusive : Certainty::normal);
1107 }
1109 void CheckClass::uninitVarError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname)
1110 {
1111  const std::string message("Member variable '$symbol' is not initialized."); // report missing in-class initializer
1112  const std::string verbose {message + " Member variables of native types, pointers, or references are left uninitialized when the class is instantiated. That may cause bugs or undefined behavior."};
1113  const std::string id = std::string("uninitMemberVarPrivate");
1114  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, id, "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + varname + '\n' + message + '\n' + verbose, CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1115 }
1117 void CheckClass::missingMemberCopyError(const Token *tok, Function::Type functionType, const std::string& classname, const std::string& varname)
1118 {
1119  const std::string ctor(functionType == Function::Type::eCopyConstructor ? "copy" : "move");
1120  const std::string action(functionType == Function::Type::eCopyConstructor ? "copied?" : "moved?");
1121  const std::string message =
1122  "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + varname + "\n" +
1123  "Member variable '$symbol' is not assigned in the " + ctor + " constructor. Should it be " + action;
1124  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "missingMemberCopy", message, CWE398, Certainty::inconclusive);
1125 }
1127 void CheckClass::operatorEqVarError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, bool inconclusive)
1128 {
1129  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "operatorEqVarError", "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + varname + "\nMember variable '$symbol' is not assigned a value in '" + classname + "::operator='.", CWE398, inconclusive ? Certainty::inconclusive : Certainty::normal);
1130 }
1132 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1133 // ClassCheck: Use initialization list instead of assignment
1134 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1137 {
1139  return;
1141  logChecker("CheckClass::initializationListUsage"); // performance
1143  for (const Scope *scope : mSymbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
1144  // Check every constructor
1145  if (!scope->function || !scope->function->isConstructor())
1146  continue;
1148  // Do not warn when a delegate constructor is called
1149  if (const Token *initList = scope->function->constructorMemberInitialization()) {
1150  if (Token::Match(initList, ": %name% {|(") && initList->strAt(1) == scope->className)
1151  continue;
1152  }
1154  const Scope* owner = scope->functionOf;
1155  for (const Token* tok = scope->bodyStart; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
1156  if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) // Assignments might depend on this function call or if/for/while/switch statement from now on.
1157  break;
1158  if (Token::Match(tok, "try|do {"))
1159  break;
1160  if (!Token::Match(tok, "%var% =") || tok->strAt(-1) == "*" || tok->strAt(-1) == ".")
1161  continue;
1163  const Variable* var = tok->variable();
1164  if (!var || var->scope() != owner || var->isStatic())
1165  continue;
1166  if (var->isPointer() || var->isReference() || var->isEnumType())
1167  continue;
1168  if (!WRONG_DATA(!var->valueType(), tok) && var->valueType()->type > ValueType::Type::ITERATOR)
1169  continue;
1171  // bailout: multi line lambda in rhs => do not warn
1172  if (findLambdaEndToken(tok->tokAt(2)) && tok->tokAt(2)->findExpressionStartEndTokens().second->linenr() > tok->tokAt(2)->linenr())
1173  continue;
1175  // Access local var member in rhs => do not warn
1176  bool localmember = false;
1177  visitAstNodes(tok->next()->astOperand2(),
1178  [&](const Token *rhs) {
1179  if (rhs->str() == "." && rhs->astOperand1() && rhs->astOperand1()->variable() && rhs->astOperand1()->variable()->isLocal())
1180  localmember = true;
1181  return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
1182  });
1183  if (localmember)
1184  continue;
1186  bool allowed = true;
1187  visitAstNodes(tok->next()->astOperand2(),
1188  [&](const Token *tok2) {
1189  const Variable* var2 = tok2->variable();
1190  if (var2) {
1191  if (var2->scope() == owner && tok2->strAt(-1)!=".") { // Is there a dependency between two member variables?
1192  allowed = false;
1193  return ChildrenToVisit::done;
1194  }
1195  if (var2->isArray() && var2->isLocal()) { // Can't initialize with a local array
1196  allowed = false;
1197  return ChildrenToVisit::done;
1198  }
1199  } else if (tok2->str() == "this") { // 'this' instance is not completely constructed in initialization list
1200  allowed = false;
1201  return ChildrenToVisit::done;
1202  } else if (Token::Match(tok2, "%name% (") && tok2->strAt(-1) != "." && isMemberFunc(owner, tok2)) { // Member function called?
1203  allowed = false;
1204  return ChildrenToVisit::done;
1205  }
1207  });
1208  if (!allowed)
1209  continue;
1211  suggestInitializationList(tok, tok->str());
1212  }
1213  }
1214 }
1216 void CheckClass::suggestInitializationList(const Token* tok, const std::string& varname)
1217 {
1218  reportError(tok, Severity::performance, "useInitializationList", "$symbol:" + varname + "\nVariable '$symbol' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.\n"
1219  "When an object of a class is created, the constructors of all member variables are called consecutively "
1220  "in the order the variables are declared, even if you don't explicitly write them to the initialization list. You "
1221  "could avoid assigning '$symbol' a value by passing the value to the constructor in the initialization list.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1222 }
1224 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1225 // ClassCheck: Unused private functions
1226 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1228 static bool checkFunctionUsage(const Function *privfunc, const Scope* scope)
1229 {
1230  if (!scope)
1231  return true; // Assume it is used, if scope is not seen
1233  for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator func = scope->functionList.cbegin(); func != scope->functionList.cend(); ++func) {
1234  if (func->functionScope) {
1235  if (Token::Match(func->tokenDef, "%name% (")) {
1236  for (const Token *ftok = func->tokenDef->tokAt(2); ftok && ftok->str() != ")"; ftok = ftok->next()) {
1237  if (Token::Match(ftok, "= %name% [(,)]") && ftok->strAt(1) == privfunc->name())
1238  return true;
1239  if (ftok->str() == "(")
1240  ftok = ftok->link();
1241  }
1242  }
1243  for (const Token *ftok = func->functionScope->classDef->linkAt(1); ftok != func->functionScope->bodyEnd; ftok = ftok->next()) {
1244  if (ftok->function() == privfunc)
1245  return true;
1246  if (ftok->varId() == 0U && ftok->str() == privfunc->name()) // TODO: This condition should be redundant
1247  return true;
1248  }
1249  } else if ((func->type != Function::eCopyConstructor &&
1250  func->type != Function::eOperatorEqual) ||
1251  func->access != AccessControl::Private) // Assume it is used, if a function implementation isn't seen, but empty private copy constructors and assignment operators are OK
1252  return true;
1253  }
1255  const std::map<std::string, Type*>::const_iterator end = scope->definedTypesMap.cend();
1256  for (std::map<std::string, Type*>::const_iterator iter = scope->definedTypesMap.cbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
1257  const Type *type = iter->second;
1258  if (type->enclosingScope == scope && checkFunctionUsage(privfunc, type->classScope))
1259  return true;
1260  }
1262  for (const Variable &var : scope->varlist) {
1263  if (var.isStatic()) {
1264  const Token* tok = Token::findmatch(scope->bodyStart, "%varid% =|(|{", var.declarationId());
1265  if (tok)
1266  tok = tok->tokAt(2);
1267  while (tok && tok->str() != ";") {
1268  if (tok->function() == privfunc)
1269  return true;
1270  tok = tok->next();
1271  }
1272  }
1273  }
1275  return false; // Unused in this scope
1276 }
1279 {
1280  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("unusedPrivateFunction"))
1281  return;
1283  logChecker("CheckClass::privateFunctions"); // style
1285  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
1287  // do not check borland classes with properties..
1288  if (Token::findsimplematch(scope->bodyStart, "; __property ;", scope->bodyEnd))
1289  continue;
1291  std::list<const Function*> privateFuncs;
1292  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
1293  // Get private functions..
1294  if (func.type == Function::eFunction && func.access == AccessControl::Private && !func.isOperator()) // TODO: There are smarter ways to check private operator usage
1295  privateFuncs.push_back(&func);
1296  }
1298  // Bailout for overridden virtual functions of base classes
1299  if (!scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty()) {
1300  // Check virtual functions
1301  for (std::list<const Function*>::iterator it = privateFuncs.begin(); it != privateFuncs.end();) {
1302  if ((*it)->isImplicitlyVirtual(true)) // Give true as default value to be returned if we don't see all base classes
1303  it = privateFuncs.erase(it);
1304  else
1305  ++it;
1306  }
1307  }
1309  while (!privateFuncs.empty()) {
1310  const auto& pf = privateFuncs.front();
1311  if (pf->retDef && pf->retDef->isAttributeMaybeUnused()) {
1312  privateFuncs.pop_front();
1313  continue;
1314  }
1315  // Check that all private functions are used
1316  bool used = checkFunctionUsage(pf, scope); // Usage in this class
1317  // Check in friend classes
1318  const std::vector<Type::FriendInfo>& friendList = scope->definedType->friendList;
1319  for (int i = 0; i < friendList.size() && !used; i++) {
1320  if (friendList[i].type)
1321  used = checkFunctionUsage(pf, friendList[i].type->classScope);
1322  else
1323  used = true; // Assume, it is used if we do not see friend class
1324  }
1326  if (!used)
1327  unusedPrivateFunctionError(pf->tokenDef, scope->className, pf->name());
1329  privateFuncs.pop_front();
1330  }
1331  }
1332 }
1334 void CheckClass::unusedPrivateFunctionError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname)
1335 {
1336  reportError(tok, Severity::style, "unusedPrivateFunction", "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + funcname + "\nUnused private function: '$symbol'", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1337 }
1339 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1340 // ClassCheck: Check that memset is not used on classes
1341 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1343 static const Scope* findFunctionOf(const Scope* scope)
1344 {
1345  while (scope) {
1346  if (scope->type == Scope::eFunction)
1347  return scope->functionOf;
1348  scope = scope->nestedIn;
1349  }
1350  return nullptr;
1351 }
1354 {
1355  logChecker("CheckClass::checkMemset");
1356  const bool printWarnings = mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning);
1357  for (const Scope *scope : mSymbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
1358  for (const Token *tok = scope->bodyStart; tok && tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
1359  if (Token::Match(tok, "memset|memcpy|memmove (")) {
1360  const Token* arg1 = tok->tokAt(2);
1361  const Token* arg3 = arg1->nextArgument();
1362  if (arg3)
1363  arg3 = arg3->nextArgument();
1364  if (!arg3)
1365  // weird, shouldn't happen: memset etc should have
1366  // 3 arguments.
1367  continue;
1369  const Token *typeTok = nullptr;
1370  const Scope *type = nullptr;
1371  const Token* sizeofTok = arg3->previous()->astOperand2(); // try to find sizeof() in argument expression
1372  if (sizeofTok && sizeofTok->astOperand1() && Token::simpleMatch(sizeofTok->astOperand1()->previous(), "sizeof ("))
1373  sizeofTok = sizeofTok->astOperand1();
1374  else if (sizeofTok && sizeofTok->astOperand2() && Token::simpleMatch(sizeofTok->astOperand2()->previous(), "sizeof ("))
1375  sizeofTok = sizeofTok->astOperand2();
1376  if (Token::simpleMatch(sizeofTok, "("))
1377  sizeofTok = sizeofTok->previous();
1378  if (Token::Match(sizeofTok, "sizeof ( %type% )"))
1379  typeTok = sizeofTok->tokAt(2);
1380  else if (Token::Match(sizeofTok, "sizeof ( %type% :: %type% )"))
1381  typeTok = sizeofTok->tokAt(4);
1382  else if (Token::Match(sizeofTok, "sizeof ( struct %type% )"))
1383  typeTok = sizeofTok->tokAt(3);
1384  else if (Token::simpleMatch(sizeofTok, "sizeof ( * this )") || Token::simpleMatch(arg1, "this ,")) {
1385  type = findFunctionOf(sizeofTok->scope());
1386  } else if (Token::Match(arg1, "&|*|%var%")) {
1387  int numIndirToVariableType = 0; // Offset to the actual type in terms of dereference/addressof
1388  for (;; arg1 = arg1->next()) {
1389  if (arg1->str() == "&")
1390  ++numIndirToVariableType;
1391  else if (arg1->str() == "*")
1392  --numIndirToVariableType;
1393  else
1394  break;
1395  }
1397  const Variable * const var = arg1->variable();
1398  if (var && arg1->strAt(1) == ",") {
1399  if (var->isArrayOrPointer()) {
1400  const Token *endTok = var->typeEndToken();
1401  while (Token::simpleMatch(endTok, "*")) {
1402  ++numIndirToVariableType;
1403  endTok = endTok->previous();
1404  }
1405  }
1407  if (var->isArray())
1408  numIndirToVariableType += int(var->dimensions().size());
1410  if (numIndirToVariableType == 1)
1411  type = var->typeScope();
1413  if (!type && !var->isPointer() && !Token::simpleMatch(var->typeStartToken(), "std :: array") &&
1415  memsetError(tok, tok->str(), var->getTypeName(), {}, /*isContainer*/ true);
1416  }
1417  }
1418  }
1420  // No type defined => The tokens didn't match
1421  if (!typeTok && !type)
1422  continue;
1424  if (typeTok && typeTok->str() == "(")
1425  typeTok = typeTok->next();
1427  if (!type && typeTok->type())
1428  type = typeTok->type()->classScope;
1430  if (type) {
1431  const std::set<const Scope *> parsedTypes;
1432  checkMemsetType(scope, tok, type, false, parsedTypes);
1433  }
1434  } else if (tok->variable() && tok->variable()->isPointer() && tok->variable()->typeScope() && Token::Match(tok, "%var% = %name% (")) {
1435  const Library::AllocFunc* alloc = mSettings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2));
1436  if (!alloc)
1437  alloc = mSettings->library.getReallocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2));
1438  if (!alloc || alloc->bufferSize == Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::none)
1439  continue;
1440  const std::set<const Scope *> parsedTypes;
1441  checkMemsetType(scope, tok->tokAt(2), tok->variable()->typeScope(), true, parsedTypes);
1443  if (printWarnings && tok->variable()->typeScope()->numConstructors > 0)
1444  mallocOnClassWarning(tok, tok->strAt(2), tok->variable()->typeScope()->classDef);
1445  }
1446  }
1447  }
1448 }
1450 void CheckClass::checkMemsetType(const Scope *start, const Token *tok, const Scope *type, bool allocation, std::set<const Scope *> parsedTypes)
1451 {
1452  // If type has been checked there is no need to check it again
1453  if (parsedTypes.find(type) != parsedTypes.end())
1454  return;
1455  parsedTypes.insert(type);
1457  const bool printPortability = mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::portability);
1459  // recursively check all parent classes
1460  for (const Type::BaseInfo & i : type->definedType->derivedFrom) {
1461  const Type* derivedFrom = i.type;
1462  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope)
1463  checkMemsetType(start, tok, derivedFrom->classScope, allocation, parsedTypes);
1464  }
1466  // Warn if type is a class that contains any virtual functions
1467  for (const Function &func : type->functionList) {
1468  if (func.hasVirtualSpecifier()) {
1469  if (allocation)
1470  mallocOnClassError(tok, tok->str(), type->classDef, "virtual function");
1471  else
1472  memsetError(tok, tok->str(), "virtual function", type->classDef->str());
1473  }
1474  }
1476  // Warn if type is a class or struct that contains any std::* variables
1477  for (const Variable &var : type->varlist) {
1478  if (var.isReference() && !var.isStatic()) {
1479  memsetErrorReference(tok, tok->str(), type->classDef->str());
1480  continue;
1481  }
1482  // don't warn if variable static or const, pointer or array of pointers
1483  if (!var.isStatic() && !var.isConst() && !var.isPointer() && (!var.isArray() || var.typeEndToken()->str() != "*")) {
1484  const Token *tok1 = var.typeStartToken();
1485  const Scope *typeScope = var.typeScope();
1487  std::string typeName;
1488  if (Token::Match(tok1, "%type% ::")) {
1489  const Token *typeTok = tok1;
1490  while (Token::Match(typeTok, "%type% ::")) {
1491  typeName += typeTok->str() + "::";
1492  typeTok = typeTok->tokAt(2);
1493  }
1494  typeName += typeTok->str();
1495  }
1497  // check for std:: type
1498  if (var.isStlType() && typeName != "std::array" && !mSettings->library.podtype(typeName)) {
1499  if (allocation)
1500  mallocOnClassError(tok, tok->str(), type->classDef, "'" + typeName + "'");
1501  else
1502  memsetError(tok, tok->str(), "'" + typeName + "'", type->classDef->str());
1503  }
1505  // check for known type
1506  else if (typeScope && typeScope != type)
1507  checkMemsetType(start, tok, typeScope, allocation, parsedTypes);
1509  // check for float
1510  else if (printPortability && var.isFloatingType() && tok->str() == "memset")
1511  memsetErrorFloat(tok, type->classDef->str());
1512  }
1513  }
1514 }
1516 void CheckClass::mallocOnClassWarning(const Token* tok, const std::string &memfunc, const Token* classTok)
1517 {
1518  std::list<const Token *> toks = { tok, classTok };
1519  reportError(toks, Severity::warning, "mallocOnClassWarning",
1520  "$symbol:" + memfunc +"\n"
1521  "Memory for class instance allocated with $symbol(), but class provides constructors.\n"
1522  "Memory for class instance allocated with $symbol(), but class provides constructors. This is unsafe, "
1523  "since no constructor is called and class members remain uninitialized. Consider using 'new' instead.", CWE762, Certainty::normal);
1524 }
1526 void CheckClass::mallocOnClassError(const Token* tok, const std::string &memfunc, const Token* classTok, const std::string &classname)
1527 {
1528  std::list<const Token *> toks = { tok, classTok };
1529  reportError(toks, Severity::error, "mallocOnClassError",
1530  "$symbol:" + memfunc +"\n"
1531  "$symbol:" + classname +"\n"
1532  "Memory for class instance allocated with " + memfunc + "(), but class contains a " + classname + ".\n"
1533  "Memory for class instance allocated with " + memfunc + "(), but class a " + classname + ". This is unsafe, "
1534  "since no constructor is called and class members remain uninitialized. Consider using 'new' instead.", CWE665, Certainty::normal);
1535 }
1537 void CheckClass::memsetError(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const std::string &classname, const std::string &type, bool isContainer)
1538 {
1539  const std::string typeStr = isContainer ? std::string() : (type + " that contains a ");
1540  const std::string msg = "$symbol:" + memfunc + "\n"
1541  "$symbol:" + classname + "\n"
1542  "Using '" + memfunc + "' on " + typeStr + classname + ".\n"
1543  "Using '" + memfunc + "' on " + typeStr + classname + " is unsafe, because constructor, destructor "
1544  "and copy operator calls are omitted. These are necessary for this non-POD type to ensure that a valid object "
1545  "is created.";
1546  reportError(tok, Severity::error, "memsetClass", msg, CWE762, Certainty::normal);
1547 }
1549 void CheckClass::memsetErrorReference(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const std::string &type)
1550 {
1551  reportError(tok, Severity::error, "memsetClassReference",
1552  "$symbol:" + memfunc +"\n"
1553  "Using '" + memfunc + "' on " + type + " that contains a reference.", CWE665, Certainty::normal);
1554 }
1556 void CheckClass::memsetErrorFloat(const Token *tok, const std::string &type)
1557 {
1558  reportError(tok, Severity::portability, "memsetClassFloat", "Using memset() on " + type + " which contains a floating point number.\n"
1559  "Using memset() on " + type + " which contains a floating point number."
1560  " This is not portable because memset() sets each byte of a block of memory to a specific value and"
1561  " the actual representation of a floating-point value is implementation defined."
1562  " Note: In case of an IEEE754-1985 compatible implementation setting all bits to zero results in the value 0.0.", CWE758, Certainty::normal);
1563 }
1566 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1567 // ClassCheck: "C& operator=(const C&) { ... return *this; }"
1568 // operator= should return a reference to *this
1569 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1572 {
1573  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("operatorEqRetRefThis"))
1574  return;
1576  logChecker("CheckClass::operatorEqRetRefThis"); // style
1578  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
1579  for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator func = scope->functionList.cbegin(); func != scope->functionList.cend(); ++func) {
1580  if (func->type == Function::eOperatorEqual && func->hasBody()) {
1581  // make sure return signature is correct
1582  if (func->retType == func->nestedIn->definedType && func->tokenDef->strAt(-1) == "&") {
1583  checkReturnPtrThis(scope, &(*func), func->functionScope->bodyStart, func->functionScope->bodyEnd);
1584  }
1585  }
1586  }
1587  }
1588 }
1590 void CheckClass::checkReturnPtrThis(const Scope *scope, const Function *func, const Token *tok, const Token *last)
1591 {
1592  std::set<const Function*> analyzedFunctions;
1593  checkReturnPtrThis(scope, func, tok, last, analyzedFunctions);
1594 }
1596 void CheckClass::checkReturnPtrThis(const Scope *scope, const Function *func, const Token *tok, const Token *last, std::set<const Function*>& analyzedFunctions)
1597 {
1598  bool foundReturn = false;
1600  const Token* const startTok = tok;
1602  for (; tok && tok != last; tok = tok->next()) {
1603  // check for return of reference to this
1605  if (const Token* lScope = isLambdaCaptureList(tok)) // skip lambda
1606  tok = lScope->link();
1608  if (tok->str() != "return")
1609  continue;
1611  foundReturn = true;
1613  const Token *retExpr = tok->astOperand1();
1614  if (retExpr && retExpr->str() == "=")
1615  retExpr = retExpr->astOperand1();
1616  if (retExpr && retExpr->isUnaryOp("*") && Token::simpleMatch(retExpr->astOperand1(), "this"))
1617  continue;
1619  std::string cast("( " + scope->className + " & )");
1620  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), cast.c_str(), cast.size()))
1621  tok = tok->tokAt(4);
1623  // check if a function is called
1624  if (tok->strAt(2) == "(" &&
1625  tok->linkAt(2)->next()->str() == ";") {
1626  // check if it is a member function
1627  for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator it = scope->functionList.cbegin(); it != scope->functionList.cend(); ++it) {
1628  // check for a regular function with the same name and a body
1629  if (it->type == Function::eFunction && it->hasBody() &&
1630  it->token->str() == tok->next()->str()) {
1631  // check for the proper return type
1632  if (it->tokenDef->previous()->str() == "&" &&
1633  it->tokenDef->strAt(-2) == scope->className) {
1634  // make sure it's not a const function
1635  if (!it->isConst()) {
1636  /** @todo make sure argument types match */
1637  // avoid endless recursions
1638  if (analyzedFunctions.find(&*it) == analyzedFunctions.end()) {
1639  analyzedFunctions.insert(&*it);
1640  checkReturnPtrThis(scope, &*it, it->arg->link()->next(), it->arg->link()->next()->link(),
1641  analyzedFunctions);
1642  }
1643  // just bail for now
1644  else
1645  return;
1646  }
1647  }
1648  }
1649  }
1650  }
1652  // check if *this is returned
1653  else if (!(Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), "operator= (") ||
1654  Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), "this . operator= (") ||
1655  (Token::Match(tok->next(), "%type% :: operator= (") &&
1656  tok->next()->str() == scope->className)))
1658  }
1659  if (foundReturn) {
1660  return;
1661  }
1662  if (startTok->next() == last) {
1663  const std::string tmp("( const " + scope->className + " &");
1664  if (Token::simpleMatch(func->argDef, tmp.c_str(), tmp.size())) {
1665  // Typical wrong way to suppress default assignment operator by declaring it and leaving empty
1667  } else {
1669  }
1670  return;
1671  }
1672  if (mSettings->library.isScopeNoReturn(last, nullptr)) {
1673  // Typical wrong way to prohibit default assignment operator
1674  // by always throwing an exception or calling a noreturn function
1676  return;
1677  }
1680 }
1683 {
1684  reportError(tok, Severity::style, "operatorEqRetRefThis", "'operator=' should return reference to 'this' instance.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1685 }
1688 {
1689  reportError(tok, Severity::style, "operatorEqShouldBeLeftUnimplemented", "'operator=' should either return reference to 'this' instance or be declared private and left unimplemented.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1690 }
1693 {
1694  if (error) {
1695  reportError(tok, Severity::error, "operatorEqMissingReturnStatement", "No 'return' statement in non-void function causes undefined behavior.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1696  } else {
1698  }
1699 }
1701 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1702 // ClassCheck: "C& operator=(const C& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) ... }"
1703 // operator= should check for assignment to self
1704 //
1705 // For simple classes, an assignment to self check is only a potential optimization.
1706 //
1707 // For classes that allocate dynamic memory, assignment to self can be a real error
1708 // if it is deallocated and allocated again without being checked for.
1709 //
1710 // This check is not valid for classes with multiple inheritance because a
1711 // class can have multiple addresses so there is no trivial way to check for
1712 // assignment to self.
1713 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1716 {
1717  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("operatorEqToSelf"))
1718  return;
1720  logChecker("CheckClass::operatorEqToSelf"); // warning
1722  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
1723  // skip classes with multiple inheritance
1724  if (scope->definedType->derivedFrom.size() > 1)
1725  continue;
1727  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
1728  if (func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual && func.hasBody()) {
1729  // make sure that the operator takes an object of the same type as *this, otherwise we can't detect self-assignment checks
1730  if (func.argumentList.empty())
1731  continue;
1732  const Token* typeTok = func.argumentList.front().typeEndToken();
1733  while (typeTok->str() == "const" || typeTok->str() == "&" || typeTok->str() == "*")
1734  typeTok = typeTok->previous();
1735  if (typeTok->str() != scope->className)
1736  continue;
1738  // make sure return signature is correct
1739  if (Token::Match(func.retDef, "%type% &") && func.retDef->str() == scope->className) {
1740  // find the parameter name
1741  const Token *rhs = func.argumentList.cbegin()->nameToken();
1742  const Token* out_ifStatementScopeStart = nullptr;
1743  if (!hasAssignSelf(&func, rhs, out_ifStatementScopeStart)) {
1744  if (hasAllocation(&func, scope))
1746  } else if (out_ifStatementScopeStart != nullptr) {
1747  if (hasAllocationInIfScope(&func, scope, out_ifStatementScopeStart))
1749  }
1750  }
1751  }
1752  }
1753  }
1754 }
1756 bool CheckClass::hasAllocationInIfScope(const Function *func, const Scope* scope, const Token *ifStatementScopeStart) const
1757 {
1758  const Token *end;
1759  if (ifStatementScopeStart->str() == "{")
1760  end = ifStatementScopeStart->link();
1761  else
1762  end = func->functionScope->bodyEnd;
1763  return hasAllocation(func, scope, ifStatementScopeStart, end);
1764 }
1766 bool CheckClass::hasAllocation(const Function *func, const Scope* scope) const
1767 {
1768  return hasAllocation(func, scope, func->functionScope->bodyStart, func->functionScope->bodyEnd);
1769 }
1771 bool CheckClass::hasAllocation(const Function *func, const Scope* scope, const Token *start, const Token *end) const
1772 {
1773  if (!end)
1774  end = func->functionScope->bodyEnd;
1775  for (const Token *tok = start; tok && (tok != end); tok = tok->next()) {
1776  if (((tok->isCpp() && Token::Match(tok, "%var% = new")) ||
1777  (Token::Match(tok, "%var% = %name% (") && mSettings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(tok->tokAt(2)))) &&
1778  isMemberVar(scope, tok))
1779  return true;
1781  // check for deallocating memory
1782  const Token *var;
1783  if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% ( %var%") && mSettings->library.getDeallocFuncInfo(tok))
1784  var = tok->tokAt(2);
1785  else if (tok->isCpp() && Token::Match(tok, "delete [ ] %var%"))
1786  var = tok->tokAt(3);
1787  else if (tok->isCpp() && Token::Match(tok, "delete %var%"))
1788  var = tok->next();
1789  else
1790  continue;
1791  // Check for assignment to the deleted pointer (only if its a member of the class)
1792  if (isMemberVar(scope, var)) {
1793  for (const Token *tok1 = var->next(); tok1 && (tok1 != end); tok1 = tok1->next()) {
1794  if (Token::Match(tok1, "%varid% =", var->varId()))
1795  return true;
1796  }
1797  }
1798  }
1800  return false;
1801 }
1803 static bool isTrueKeyword(const Token* tok)
1804 {
1805  return tok->hasKnownIntValue() && tok->getKnownIntValue() == 1;
1806 }
1808 static bool isFalseKeyword(const Token* tok)
1809 {
1810  return tok->hasKnownIntValue() && tok->getKnownIntValue() == 0;
1811 }
1813 /*
1814  * Checks if self-assignment test is inverse
1815  * For example 'if (this == &rhs)'
1816  */
1818 {
1819  bool res = true;
1820  for (const Token *itr = tok; itr && itr->str()!="("; itr=itr->astParent()) {
1821  if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "!=") && (isTrueKeyword(itr->astOperand1()) || isTrueKeyword(itr->astOperand2()))) {
1822  res = !res;
1823  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "!=") && ((Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1(), "this") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2(), "&") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2()->next(), rhs->str().c_str(), rhs->str().size()))
1824  || (Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2(), "this") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1(), "&") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1()->next(), rhs->str().c_str(), rhs->str().size())))) {
1825  res = !res;
1826  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "!=") && (isFalseKeyword(itr->astOperand1()) || isFalseKeyword(itr->astOperand2()))) {
1827  //Do nothing
1828  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "!")) {
1829  res = !res;
1830  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "==") && (isFalseKeyword(itr->astOperand1()) || isFalseKeyword(itr->astOperand2()))) {
1831  res = !res;
1832  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "==") && (isTrueKeyword(itr->astOperand1()) || isTrueKeyword(itr->astOperand2()))) {
1833  //Do nothing
1834  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(itr, "==") && ((Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1(), "this") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2(), "&") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2()->next(), rhs->str().c_str(), rhs->str().size()))
1835  || (Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand2(), "this") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1(), "&") && Token::simpleMatch(itr->astOperand1()->next(), rhs->str().c_str(), rhs->str().size())))) {
1836  //Do nothing
1837  } else {
1838  return Bool::BAILOUT;
1839  }
1840  }
1841  if (res)
1842  return Bool::TRUE;
1843  return Bool::FALSE;
1844 }
1846 const Token * CheckClass::getIfStmtBodyStart(const Token *tok, const Token *rhs)
1847 {
1848  const Token *top = tok->astTop();
1849  if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {")) {
1850  switch (isInverted(tok->astParent(), rhs)) {
1851  case Bool::BAILOUT:
1852  return nullptr;
1853  case Bool::TRUE:
1854  return top->link()->next();
1855  case Bool::FALSE:
1856  return top->link()->next()->link();
1857  }
1858  }
1859  return nullptr;
1860 }
1862 bool CheckClass::hasAssignSelf(const Function *func, const Token *rhs, const Token *&out_ifStatementScopeStart)
1863 {
1864  if (!rhs)
1865  return false;
1866  const Token *last = func->functionScope->bodyEnd;
1867  for (const Token *tok = func->functionScope->bodyStart; tok && tok != last; tok = tok->next()) {
1868  if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "if ("))
1869  continue;
1871  bool ret = false;
1872  visitAstNodes(tok->next()->astOperand2(),
1873  [&](const Token *tok2) {
1874  if (!Token::Match(tok2, "==|!="))
1875  return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
1876  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->astOperand1(), "this"))
1877  tok2 = tok2->astOperand2();
1878  else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->astOperand2(), "this"))
1879  tok2 = tok2->astOperand1();
1880  else
1881  return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
1882  if (tok2 && tok2->isUnaryOp("&") && tok2->astOperand1()->str() == rhs->str())
1883  ret = true;
1884  if (ret) {
1885  out_ifStatementScopeStart = getIfStmtBodyStart(tok2, rhs);
1886  }
1888  });
1889  if (ret)
1890  return ret;
1891  }
1893  return false;
1894 }
1897 {
1898  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "operatorEqToSelf",
1899  "'operator=' should check for assignment to self to avoid problems with dynamic memory.\n"
1900  "'operator=' should check for assignment to self to ensure that each block of dynamically "
1901  "allocated memory is owned and managed by only one instance of the class.", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
1902 }
1904 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1905 // A destructor in a base class should be virtual
1906 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1909 {
1910  // This error should only be given if:
1911  // * base class doesn't have virtual destructor
1912  // * derived class has non-empty destructor (only c++03, in c++11 it's UB see paragraph 3 in [expr.delete])
1913  // * base class is deleted
1914  // unless inconclusive in which case:
1915  // * A class with any virtual functions should have a destructor that is either public and virtual or protected
1916  const bool printInconclusive = mSettings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive);
1918  std::list<const Function *> inconclusiveErrors;
1920  logChecker("CheckClass::virtualDestructor");
1922  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
1924  // Skip base classes (unless inconclusive)
1925  if (scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty()) {
1926  if (printInconclusive) {
1927  const Function *destructor = scope->getDestructor();
1928  if (destructor && !destructor->hasVirtualSpecifier() && destructor->access == AccessControl::Public) {
1929  if (std::any_of(scope->functionList.cbegin(), scope->functionList.cend(), [](const Function& func) {
1930  return func.hasVirtualSpecifier();
1931  }))
1932  inconclusiveErrors.push_back(destructor);
1933  }
1934  }
1935  continue;
1936  }
1938  // Check if destructor is empty and non-empty ..
1940  // Find the destructor
1941  const Function *destructor = scope->getDestructor();
1943  // Check for destructor with implementation
1944  if (!destructor || !destructor->hasBody())
1945  continue;
1947  // Empty destructor
1948  if (destructor->token->linkAt(3) == destructor->token->tokAt(4))
1949  continue;
1950  }
1952  const Token *derived = scope->classDef;
1953  const Token *derivedClass = derived->next();
1955  // Iterate through each base class...
1956  for (const Type::BaseInfo & j : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
1957  // Check if base class is public and exists in database
1958  if (j.access != AccessControl::Private && j.type) {
1959  const Type *derivedFrom = j.type;
1960  const Scope *derivedFromScope = derivedFrom->classScope;
1961  if (!derivedFromScope)
1962  continue;
1964  // Check for this pattern:
1965  // 1. Base class pointer is given the address of derived class instance
1966  // 2. Base class pointer is deleted
1967  //
1968  // If this pattern is not seen then bailout the checking of these base/derived classes
1969  {
1970  // pointer variables of type 'Base *'
1971  std::set<int> baseClassPointers;
1973  for (const Variable* var : mSymbolDatabase->variableList()) {
1974  if (var && var->isPointer() && var->type() == derivedFrom)
1975  baseClassPointers.insert(var->declarationId());
1976  }
1978  // pointer variables of type 'Base *' that should not be deleted
1979  std::set<int> dontDelete;
1981  // No deletion of derived class instance through base class pointer found => the code is ok
1982  bool ok = true;
1984  for (const Token *tok = mTokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
1985  if (Token::Match(tok, "[;{}] %var% =") &&
1986  baseClassPointers.find(tok->next()->varId()) != baseClassPointers.end()) {
1987  // new derived class..
1988  const std::string tmp("new " + derivedClass->str());
1989  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(3), tmp.c_str(), tmp.size())) {
1990  dontDelete.insert(tok->next()->varId());
1991  }
1992  }
1994  // Delete base class pointer that might point at derived class
1995  else if (Token::Match(tok, "delete %var% ;") &&
1996  dontDelete.find(tok->next()->varId()) != dontDelete.end()) {
1997  ok = false;
1998  break;
1999  }
2000  }
2002  // No base class pointer that points at a derived class is deleted
2003  if (ok)
2004  continue;
2005  }
2007  // Find the destructor declaration for the base class.
2008  const Function *baseDestructor = derivedFromScope->getDestructor();
2010  // Check that there is a destructor..
2011  if (!baseDestructor) {
2012  if (derivedFrom->derivedFrom.empty()) {
2013  virtualDestructorError(derivedFrom->classDef, derivedFrom->name(), derivedClass->str(), false);
2014  }
2015  } else if (!baseDestructor->hasVirtualSpecifier()) {
2016  // TODO: This is just a temporary fix, better solution is needed.
2017  // Skip situations where base class has base classes of its own, because
2018  // some of the base classes might have virtual destructor.
2019  // Proper solution is to check all of the base classes. If base class is not
2020  // found or if one of the base classes has virtual destructor, error should not
2021  // be printed. See TODO test case "virtualDestructorInherited"
2022  if (derivedFrom->derivedFrom.empty()) {
2023  // Make sure that the destructor is public (protected or private
2024  // would not compile if inheritance is used in a way that would
2025  // cause the bug we are trying to find here.)
2026  if (baseDestructor->access == AccessControl::Public) {
2027  virtualDestructorError(baseDestructor->token, derivedFrom->name(), derivedClass->str(), false);
2028  // check for duplicate error and remove it if found
2029  const std::list<const Function *>::iterator found = find(inconclusiveErrors.begin(), inconclusiveErrors.end(), baseDestructor);
2030  if (found != inconclusiveErrors.end())
2031  inconclusiveErrors.erase(found);
2032  }
2033  }
2034  }
2035  }
2036  }
2037  }
2039  for (const Function *func : inconclusiveErrors)
2040  virtualDestructorError(func->tokenDef, func->name(), emptyString, true);
2041 }
2043 void CheckClass::virtualDestructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &Base, const std::string &Derived, bool inconclusive)
2044 {
2045  if (inconclusive) {
2047  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "virtualDestructor", "$symbol:" + Base + "\nClass '$symbol' which has virtual members does not have a virtual destructor.", CWE404, Certainty::inconclusive);
2048  } else {
2049  reportError(tok, Severity::error, "virtualDestructor",
2050  "$symbol:" + Base +"\n"
2051  "$symbol:" + Derived +"\n"
2052  "Class '" + Base + "' which is inherited by class '" + Derived + "' does not have a virtual destructor.\n"
2053  "Class '" + Base + "' which is inherited by class '" + Derived + "' does not have a virtual destructor. "
2054  "If you destroy instances of the derived class by deleting a pointer that points to the base class, only "
2055  "the destructor of the base class is executed. Thus, dynamic memory that is managed by the derived class "
2056  "could leak. This can be avoided by adding a virtual destructor to the base class.", CWE404, Certainty::normal);
2057  }
2058 }
2060 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2061 // warn for "this-x". The indented code may be "this->x"
2062 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2065 {
2067  return;
2069  logChecker("CheckClass::thisSubtraction"); // warning
2071  const Token *tok = mTokenizer->tokens();
2072  for (;;) {
2073  tok = Token::findmatch(tok, "this - %name%");
2074  if (!tok)
2075  break;
2077  if (tok->strAt(-1) != "*")
2078  thisSubtractionError(tok);
2080  tok = tok->next();
2081  }
2082 }
2085 {
2086  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "thisSubtraction", "Suspicious pointer subtraction. Did you intend to write '->'?", CWE398, Certainty::normal);
2087 }
2089 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2090 // can member function be const?
2091 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2094 {
2095  // This is an inconclusive check. False positives: #3322.
2097  return;
2100  !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("functionConst") &&
2101  !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("functionStatic"))
2102  return;
2104  logChecker("CheckClass::checkConst"); // style,inconclusive
2106  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
2107  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
2108  // does the function have a body?
2109  if (func.type != Function::eFunction || !func.hasBody())
2110  continue;
2111  // don't warn for friend/static/virtual functions
2112  if (func.isFriend() || func.isStatic() || func.hasVirtualSpecifier())
2113  continue;
2115  // don't suggest const when returning non-const pointer/reference, but still suggest static
2116  auto isPointerOrReference = [this](const Token* start, const Token* end) -> bool {
2117  bool inTemplArgList = false, isConstTemplArg = false;
2118  for (const Token* tok = start; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
2119  if (tok->str() == "{") // end of trailing return type
2120  return false;
2121  if (tok->str() == "<") {
2122  if (!tok->link())
2123  mSymbolDatabase->debugMessage(tok, "debug", "CheckClass::checkConst found unlinked template argument list '" + tok->expressionString() + "'.");
2124  inTemplArgList = true;
2125  }
2126  else if (tok->str() == ">") {
2127  inTemplArgList = false;
2128  isConstTemplArg = false;
2129  }
2130  else if (tok->str() == "const") {
2131  if (!inTemplArgList)
2132  return false;
2133  isConstTemplArg = true;
2134  }
2135  else if (!isConstTemplArg && Token::Match(tok, "*|&"))
2136  return true;
2137  }
2138  return false;
2139  };
2141  const bool returnsPtrOrRef = isPointerOrReference(func.retDef, func.tokenDef);
2143  if (Function::returnsPointer(&func, /*unknown*/ true) || Function::returnsReference(&func, /*unknown*/ true, /*includeRValueRef*/ true)) { // returns const/non-const depending on template arg
2144  bool isTemplateArg = false;
2145  for (const Token* tok2 = func.retDef; precedes(tok2, func.token); tok2 = tok2->next())
2146  if (tok2->isTemplateArg() && tok2->str() == "const") {
2147  isTemplateArg = true;
2148  break;
2149  }
2150  if (isTemplateArg)
2151  continue;
2152  }
2154  if (func.isOperator()) { // Operator without return type: conversion operator
2155  const std::string& opName = func.tokenDef->str();
2156  if (opName.compare(8, 5, "const") != 0 && (endsWith(opName,'&') || endsWith(opName,'*')))
2157  continue;
2158  } else if (mSettings->library.isSmartPointer(func.retDef)) {
2159  // Don't warn if a std::shared_ptr etc is returned
2160  continue;
2161  } else {
2162  // don't warn for unknown types..
2163  // LPVOID, HDC, etc
2164  if (func.retDef->str().size() > 2 && !func.retDef->type() && func.retDef->isUpperCaseName())
2165  continue;
2166  }
2168  // check if base class function is virtual
2169  if (!scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty() && func.isImplicitlyVirtual(true))
2170  continue;
2172  MemberAccess memberAccessed = MemberAccess::NONE;
2173  // if nothing non-const was found. write error..
2174  if (!checkConstFunc(scope, &func, memberAccessed))
2175  continue;
2177  const bool suggestStatic = memberAccessed != MemberAccess::MEMBER && !func.isOperator();
2178  if ((returnsPtrOrRef || func.isConst()) && !suggestStatic)
2179  continue;
2181  std::string classname = scope->className;
2182  const Scope *nest = scope->nestedIn;
2183  while (nest && nest->type != Scope::eGlobal) {
2184  classname = std::string(nest->className + "::" + classname);
2185  nest = nest->nestedIn;
2186  }
2188  // get function name
2189  std::string functionName = (func.tokenDef->isName() ? "" : "operator") + func.tokenDef->str();
2191  if (func.tokenDef->str() == "(")
2192  functionName += ")";
2193  else if (func.tokenDef->str() == "[")
2194  functionName += "]";
2196  if (func.isInline())
2197  checkConstError(func.token, classname, functionName, suggestStatic);
2198  else // not inline
2199  checkConstError2(func.token, func.tokenDef, classname, functionName, suggestStatic);
2200  }
2201  }
2202 }
2204 // tok should point at "this"
2205 static const Token* getFuncTokFromThis(const Token* tok) {
2206  if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), "."))
2207  return nullptr;
2208  tok = tok->tokAt(2);
2209  while (Token::Match(tok, "%name% ::"))
2210  tok = tok->tokAt(2);
2211  return Token::Match(tok, "%name% (") ? tok : nullptr;
2212 }
2214 bool CheckClass::isMemberVar(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok) const
2215 {
2216  bool again = false;
2218  // try to find the member variable
2219  do {
2220  again = false;
2222  if (tok->str() == "this")
2223  return !getFuncTokFromThis(tok); // function calls are handled elsewhere
2224  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(-3), "( * this )"))
2225  return true;
2226  if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-3), "%name% ) . %name%")) {
2227  tok = tok->tokAt(-3);
2228  again = true;
2229  } else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "%name% . %name%")) {
2230  tok = tok->tokAt(-2);
2231  again = true;
2232  } else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "] . %name%")) {
2233  tok = tok->linkAt(-2)->previous();
2234  again = true;
2235  } else if (tok->str() == "]") {
2236  tok = tok->link()->previous();
2237  again = true;
2238  }
2239  } while (again);
2241  if (tok->isKeyword() || tok->isStandardType())
2242  return false;
2244  for (const Variable& var : scope->varlist) {
2245  if (var.name() == tok->str()) {
2246  if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% ::"))
2247  continue;
2248  const Token* fqTok = tok;
2249  while (Token::Match(fqTok->tokAt(-2), "%name% ::"))
2250  fqTok = fqTok->tokAt(-2);
2251  if (fqTok->strAt(-1) == "::")
2252  fqTok = fqTok->previous();
2253  bool isMember = tok == fqTok;
2254  std::string scopeStr;
2255  const Scope* curScope = scope;
2256  while (!isMember && curScope && curScope->type != Scope::ScopeType::eGlobal) {
2257  scopeStr.insert(0, curScope->className + " :: ");
2258  isMember = Token::Match(fqTok, scopeStr.c_str());
2260  curScope = curScope->nestedIn;
2261  }
2262  if (isMember) {
2263  if (tok->varId() == 0)
2264  mSymbolDatabase->debugMessage(tok, "varid0", "CheckClass::isMemberVar found used member variable \'" + tok->str() + "\' with varid 0");
2266  return !var.isStatic();
2267  }
2268  }
2269  }
2271  // not found in this class
2272  if (!scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty()) {
2273  // check each base class
2274  for (const Type::BaseInfo & i : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
2275  // find the base class
2276  const Type *derivedFrom = i.type;
2278  // find the function in the base class
2279  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope && derivedFrom->classScope != scope) {
2280  if (isMemberVar(derivedFrom->classScope, tok))
2281  return true;
2282  }
2283  }
2284  }
2286  return false;
2287 }
2289 bool CheckClass::isMemberFunc(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok)
2290 {
2291  if (!tok->function()) {
2292  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
2293  if (func.name() == tok->str()) {
2294  const Token* tok2 = tok->tokAt(2);
2295  int argsPassed = tok2->str() == ")" ? 0 : 1;
2296  for (;;) {
2297  tok2 = tok2->nextArgument();
2298  if (tok2)
2299  argsPassed++;
2300  else
2301  break;
2302  }
2303  if (argsPassed == func.argCount() ||
2304  (func.isVariadic() && argsPassed >= (func.argCount() - 1)) ||
2305  (argsPassed < func.argCount() && argsPassed >= func.minArgCount()))
2306  return true;
2307  }
2308  }
2309  } else if (tok->function()->nestedIn == scope)
2310  return !tok->function()->isStatic();
2312  // not found in this class
2313  if (!scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty()) {
2314  // check each base class
2315  for (const Type::BaseInfo & i : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
2316  // find the base class
2317  const Type *derivedFrom = i.type;
2319  // find the function in the base class
2320  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope && derivedFrom->classScope != scope) {
2321  if (isMemberFunc(derivedFrom->classScope, tok))
2322  return true;
2323  }
2324  }
2325  }
2327  return false;
2328 }
2330 bool CheckClass::isConstMemberFunc(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok)
2331 {
2332  if (!tok->function())
2333  return false;
2334  if (tok->function()->nestedIn == scope)
2335  return tok->function()->isConst();
2337  // not found in this class
2338  if (!scope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty()) {
2339  // check each base class
2340  for (const Type::BaseInfo & i : scope->definedType->derivedFrom) {
2341  // find the base class
2342  const Type *derivedFrom = i.type;
2344  // find the function in the base class
2345  if (derivedFrom && derivedFrom->classScope) {
2346  if (isConstMemberFunc(derivedFrom->classScope, tok))
2347  return true;
2348  }
2349  }
2350  }
2352  return false;
2353 }
2355 const std::set<std::string> CheckClass::stl_containers_not_const = { "map", "unordered_map", "std :: map|unordered_map <" }; // start pattern
2357 bool CheckClass::checkConstFunc(const Scope *scope, const Function *func, MemberAccess& memberAccessed) const
2358 {
2360  return false;
2362  auto getFuncTok = [](const Token* tok) -> const Token* {
2363  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "this"))
2364  tok = getFuncTokFromThis(tok);
2365  bool isReturn = false;
2366  if ((Token::Match(tok, "%name% (|{") || (isReturn = Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return {"))) && !tok->isStandardType() && !tok->isKeyword()) {
2367  if (isReturn)
2368  tok = tok->astParent();
2369  return tok;
2370  }
2371  return nullptr;
2372  };
2374  auto checkFuncCall = [this, &memberAccessed](const Token* funcTok, const Scope* scope, const Function* func) {
2375  if (isMemberFunc(scope, funcTok) && (funcTok->strAt(-1) != "." || Token::simpleMatch(funcTok->tokAt(-2), "this ."))) {
2376  const bool isSelf = func == funcTok->function();
2377  if (!isConstMemberFunc(scope, funcTok) && !isSelf)
2378  return false;
2379  memberAccessed = (isSelf && memberAccessed != MemberAccess::MEMBER) ? MemberAccess::SELF : MemberAccess::MEMBER;
2380  }
2382  if (const Function* f = funcTok->function()) { // check known function
2383  const std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(funcTok);
2384  const auto argMax = std::min<nonneg int>(args.size(), f->argCount());
2386  for (nonneg int argIndex = 0; argIndex < argMax; ++argIndex) {
2387  const Variable* const argVar = f->getArgumentVar(argIndex);
2388  if (!argVar || ((argVar->isArrayOrPointer() || argVar->isReference()) &&
2389  !(argVar->valueType() && argVar->valueType()->isConst(argVar->valueType()->pointer)))) { // argument might be modified
2390  const Token* arg = args[argIndex];
2391  // Member variable given as parameter
2392  const Token* varTok = previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(arg);
2393  if (!varTok)
2394  return false;
2395  varTok = varTok->next();
2396  if ((varTok->isName() && isMemberVar(scope, varTok)) || (varTok->isUnaryOp("&") && (varTok = varTok->astOperand1()) && isMemberVar(scope, varTok))) {
2397  const Variable* var = varTok->variable();
2398  if (!var || (!var->isMutable() && !var->isConst()))
2399  return false;
2400  }
2401  }
2402  }
2403  return true;
2404  }
2406  // Member variable given as parameter to unknown function
2407  const Token *lpar = funcTok->next();
2408  if (Token::simpleMatch(lpar, "( ) ("))
2409  lpar = lpar->tokAt(2);
2410  for (const Token* tok = lpar->next(); tok && tok != funcTok->next()->link(); tok = tok->next()) {
2411  if (tok->str() == "(")
2412  tok = tok->link();
2413  else if ((tok->isName() && isMemberVar(scope, tok)) || (tok->isUnaryOp("&") && (tok = tok->astOperand1()) && isMemberVar(scope, tok))) {
2414  const Variable* var = tok->variable();
2415  if (!var || (!var->isMutable() && !var->isConst()))
2416  return false;
2417  }
2418  }
2419  return true;
2420  };
2422  // if the function doesn't have any assignment nor function call,
2423  // it can be a const function..
2424  for (const Token *tok1 = func->functionScope->bodyStart; tok1 && tok1 != func->functionScope->bodyEnd; tok1 = tok1->next()) {
2425  if (tok1->isName() && isMemberVar(scope, tok1)) {
2426  memberAccessed = MemberAccess::MEMBER;
2427  const Variable* v = tok1->variable();
2428  if (v && v->isMutable())
2429  continue;
2431  if (tok1->str() == "this") {
2432  if (tok1->previous()->isAssignmentOp())
2433  return false;
2434  if (Token::Match(tok1->previous(), "( this . * %var% )")) // call using ptr to member function TODO: check constness
2435  return false;
2436  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok1->astParent(), "*") && tok1->astParent()->astParent() && tok1->astParent()->astParent()->isIncDecOp())
2437  return false;
2438  }
2440  // non const pointer cast
2441  if (tok1->valueType() && tok1->valueType()->pointer > 0 && tok1->astParent() && tok1->astParent()->isCast() &&
2442  !(tok1->astParent()->valueType() &&
2443  (tok1->astParent()->valueType()->pointer == 0 || tok1->astParent()->valueType()->isConst(tok1->astParent()->valueType()->pointer))))
2444  return false;
2446  const Token* lhs = tok1->previous();
2447  if (lhs->str() == "(" && tok1->astParent() && tok1->astParent()->astParent())
2448  lhs = tok1->astParent()->astParent();
2449  else if (lhs->str() == "?" && lhs->astParent())
2450  lhs = lhs->astParent();
2451  else if (lhs->str() == ":" && lhs->astParent() && lhs->astParent()->astParent() && lhs->astParent()->str() == "?")
2452  lhs = lhs->astParent()->astParent();
2453  if (lhs->str() == "&") {
2454  const Token* const top = lhs->astTop();
2455  if (top->isAssignmentOp()) {
2456  if (Token::simpleMatch(top->astOperand2(), "{") && !top->astOperand2()->previous()->function()) // TODO: check usage in init list
2457  return false;
2458  if (top->previous()->variable()) {
2459  if (top->previous()->variable()->typeStartToken()->strAt(-1) != "const" && top->previous()->variable()->isPointer())
2460  return false;
2461  }
2462  }
2463  } else if (lhs->str() == ":" && lhs->astParent() && lhs->astParent()->str() == "(") { // range-based for-loop (C++11)
2464  // TODO: We could additionally check what is done with the elements to avoid false negatives. Here we just rely on "const" keyword being used.
2465  if (lhs->astParent()->strAt(1) != "const")
2466  return false;
2467  } else {
2468  if (lhs->isAssignmentOp()) {
2469  const Variable* lhsVar = lhs->previous()->variable();
2470  if (lhsVar && !lhsVar->isConst() && lhsVar->isReference() && lhs == lhsVar->nameToken()->next())
2471  return false;
2472  }
2473  }
2475  const Token* jumpBackToken = nullptr;
2476  const Token *lastVarTok = tok1;
2477  const Token *end = tok1;
2478  for (;;) {
2479  if (Token::Match(end->next(), ". %name%")) {
2480  end = end->tokAt(2);
2481  if (end->varId())
2482  lastVarTok = end;
2483  } else if (end->strAt(1) == "[") {
2484  if (end->varId()) {
2485  const Variable *var = end->variable();
2486  if (var && var->isStlType(stl_containers_not_const))
2487  return false;
2488  const Token* assignTok = end->next()->astParent();
2489  if (var && assignTok && assignTok->isAssignmentOp() && assignTok->astOperand1() && assignTok->astOperand1()->variable()) {
2490  // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this
2491  const Variable* assignVar = assignTok->astOperand1()->variable();
2492  if (assignVar->isPointer() && !assignVar->isConst() && var->typeScope()) {
2493  const auto& funcMap = var->typeScope()->functionMap;
2494  // if there is no operator that is const and returns a non-const pointer, func cannot be const
2495  if (std::none_of(funcMap.cbegin(), funcMap.cend(), [](const std::pair<std::string, const Function*>& fm) {
2496  return fm.second->isConst() && fm.first == "operator[]" && !Function::returnsConst(fm.second);
2497  }))
2498  return false;
2499  }
2500  }
2501  }
2502  if (!jumpBackToken)
2503  jumpBackToken = end->next(); // Check inside the [] brackets
2504  end = end->linkAt(1);
2505  } else if (end->strAt(1) == ")")
2506  end = end->next();
2507  else
2508  break;
2509  }
2511  auto hasOverloadedMemberAccess = [](const Token* end, const Scope* scope) -> bool {
2512  if (!end || !scope || !Token::simpleMatch(end->astParent(), "."))
2513  return false;
2514  const std::string op = "operator" + end->astParent()->originalName();
2515  auto it = std::find_if(scope->functionList.begin(), scope->functionList.end(), [&op](const Function& f) {
2516  return f.isConst() && f.name() == op;
2517  });
2518  if (it == scope->functionList.end() || !it->retType || !it->retType->classScope)
2519  return false;
2520  const Function* func = it->retType->classScope->findFunction(end, /*requireConst*/ true);
2521  return func && func->isConst();
2522  };
2524  if (end->strAt(1) == "(") {
2525  const Variable *var = lastVarTok->variable();
2526  if (!var)
2527  return false;
2528  if ((var->isStlType() // assume all std::*::size() and std::*::empty() are const
2529  && (Token::Match(end, "size|empty|cend|crend|cbegin|crbegin|max_size|length|count|capacity|get_allocator|c_str|str ( )") || Token::Match(end, "rfind|copy"))) ||
2531  (lastVarTok->valueType() && lastVarTok->valueType()->container &&
2534  && (tok1->previous()->isComparisonOp() ||
2535  (tok1->previous()->isAssignmentOp() && tok1->tokAt(-2)->variable() && Token::Match(tok1->tokAt(-2)->variable()->typeEndToken(), "const_iterator|const_reverse_iterator"))))) {
2536  // empty body
2537  }
2538  else if (var->smartPointerType() && var->smartPointerType()->classScope && isConstMemberFunc(var->smartPointerType()->classScope, end)) {
2539  // empty body
2540  } else if (var->isSmartPointer() && Token::simpleMatch(tok1->next(), ".") && tok1->next()->originalName().empty() && mSettings->library.isFunctionConst(end)) {
2541  // empty body
2542  } else if (hasOverloadedMemberAccess(end, var->typeScope())) {
2543  // empty body
2544  } else if (!var->typeScope() || (end->function() != func && !isConstMemberFunc(var->typeScope(), end))) {
2545  if (!mSettings->library.isFunctionConst(end))
2546  return false;
2547  }
2548  }
2550  // Assignment
2551  else if (end->next()->isAssignmentOp())
2552  return false;
2554  // Streaming
2555  else if (end->strAt(1) == "<<" && tok1->strAt(-1) != "<<")
2556  return false;
2557  else if (isLikelyStreamRead(tok1->previous()))
2558  return false;
2560  // ++/--
2561  else if (end->next()->tokType() == Token::eIncDecOp || tok1->previous()->tokType() == Token::eIncDecOp)
2562  return false;
2565  const Token* start = tok1;
2566  while (tok1->strAt(-1) == ")")
2567  tok1 = tok1->linkAt(-1);
2569  if (start->strAt(-1) == "delete")
2570  return false;
2572  tok1 = jumpBackToken?jumpBackToken:end; // Jump back to first [ to check inside, or jump to end of expression
2573  if (tok1 == end && Token::Match(end->previous(), ". %name% ( !!)") && !checkFuncCall(tok1, scope, func)) // function call on member
2574  return false;
2575  }
2577  // streaming: <<
2578  else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok1->previous(), ") <<") &&
2579  isMemberVar(scope, tok1->tokAt(-2))) {
2580  const Variable* var = tok1->tokAt(-2)->variable();
2581  if (!var || !var->isMutable())
2582  return false;
2583  }
2585  // streaming: >> *this
2586  else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok1, ">> * this") && isLikelyStreamRead(tok1)) {
2587  return false;
2588  }
2590  // function/constructor call, return init list
2591  else if (const Token* funcTok = getFuncTok(tok1)) {
2592  if (!checkFuncCall(funcTok, scope, func))
2593  return false;
2594  } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok1, "> (") && (!tok1->link() || !Token::Match(tok1->link()->previous(), "static_cast|const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast"))) {
2595  return false;
2596  }
2597  }
2599  return true;
2600 }
2602 void CheckClass::checkConstError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname, bool suggestStatic)
2603 {
2604  checkConstError2(tok, nullptr, classname, funcname, suggestStatic);
2605 }
2607 void CheckClass::checkConstError2(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname, bool suggestStatic)
2608 {
2609  std::list<const Token *> toks{ tok1 };
2610  if (tok2)
2611  toks.push_back(tok2);
2612  if (!suggestStatic)
2613  reportError(toks, Severity::style, "functionConst",
2614  "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + funcname +"\n"
2615  "Technically the member function '$symbol' can be const.\n"
2616  "The member function '$symbol' can be made a const "
2617  "function. Making this function 'const' should not cause compiler errors. "
2618  "Even though the function can be made const function technically it may not make "
2619  "sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is "
2620  "it a function that must not change object internal state?", CWE398, Certainty::inconclusive);
2621  else
2622  reportError(toks, Severity::performance, "functionStatic",
2623  "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + funcname +"\n"
2624  "Technically the member function '$symbol' can be static (but you may consider moving to unnamed namespace).\n"
2625  "The member function '$symbol' can be made a static "
2626  "function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is "
2627  "passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not "
2628  "necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - "
2629  "is it a function that must not access members of class instances? And maybe it is more appropriate "
2630  "to move this function to an unnamed namespace.", CWE398, Certainty::inconclusive);
2631 }
2633 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2634 // ClassCheck: Check that initializer list is in declared order.
2635 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2637 namespace { // avoid one-definition-rule violation
2638  struct VarInfo {
2639  VarInfo(const Variable *_var, const Token *_tok)
2640  : var(_var), tok(_tok) {}
2642  const Variable *var;
2643  const Token *tok;
2644  std::vector<const Variable*> initArgs;
2645  };
2646 }
2649 {
2650  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("initializerList"))
2651  return;
2653  // This check is not inconclusive. However it only determines if the initialization
2654  // order is incorrect. It does not determine if being out of order causes
2655  // a real error. Out of order is not necessarily an error but you can never
2656  // have an error if the list is in order so this enforces defensive programming.
2658  return;
2660  logChecker("CheckClass::initializerListOrder"); // style,inconclusive
2662  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
2664  // iterate through all member functions looking for constructors
2665  for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator func = scope->functionList.cbegin(); func != scope->functionList.cend(); ++func) {
2666  if (func->isConstructor() && func->hasBody()) {
2667  // check for initializer list
2668  const Token *tok = func->arg->link()->next();
2670  if (tok->str() == ":") {
2671  std::vector<VarInfo> vars;
2672  tok = tok->next();
2674  // find all variable initializations in list
2675  for (; tok && tok != func->functionScope->bodyStart; tok = tok->next()) {
2676  if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (|{")) {
2677  const Token* const end = tok->linkAt(1);
2678  const Variable *var = scope->getVariable(tok->str());
2679  if (var)
2680  vars.emplace_back(var, tok);
2681  else
2682  tok = end;
2684  for (; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
2685  if (const Variable* argVar = scope->getVariable(tok->str())) {
2686  if (scope != argVar->scope())
2687  continue;
2688  if (argVar->isStatic())
2689  continue;
2690  if (tok->variable() && tok->variable()->isArgument())
2691  continue;
2692  if (var->isPointer() && (argVar->isArray() || Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "&")))
2693  continue;
2694  if (var->isReference())
2695  continue;
2696  if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "="))
2697  continue;
2698  vars.back().initArgs.emplace_back(argVar);
2699  }
2700  }
2701  }
2702  }
2704  for (int j = 0; j < vars.size(); j++) {
2705  // check for use of uninitialized arguments
2706  for (const auto& arg : vars[j].initArgs)
2707  if (vars[j].var->index() < arg->index())
2708  initializerListError(vars[j].tok, vars[j].var->nameToken(), scope->className, vars[j].var->name(), arg->name());
2710  // need at least 2 members to have out of order initialization
2711  if (j == 0)
2712  continue;
2713  // check for out of order initialization
2714  if (vars[j].var->index() < vars[j - 1].var->index())
2715  initializerListError(vars[j].tok,vars[j].var->nameToken(), scope->className, vars[j].var->name());
2716  }
2717  }
2718  }
2719  }
2720  }
2721 }
2723 void CheckClass::initializerListError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, const std::string& argname)
2724 {
2725  std::list<const Token *> toks = { tok1, tok2 };
2726  const std::string msg = argname.empty() ?
2727  "Member variable '$symbol' is in the wrong place in the initializer list." :
2728  "Member variable '$symbol' uses an uninitialized argument '" + argname + "' due to the order of declarations.";
2729  reportError(toks, Severity::style, "initializerList",
2730  "$symbol:" + classname + "::" + varname + '\n' +
2731  msg + '\n' +
2732  msg + ' ' +
2733  "Members are initialized in the order they are declared, not in the "
2734  "order they are in the initializer list. Keeping the initializer list "
2735  "in the same order that the members were declared prevents order dependent "
2736  "initialization errors.", CWE398, Certainty::inconclusive);
2737 }
2740 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2741 // Check for self initialization in initialization list
2742 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2745 {
2746  logChecker("CheckClass::checkSelfInitialization");
2748  for (const Scope *scope : mSymbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
2749  const Function* function = scope->function;
2750  if (!function || !function->isConstructor())
2751  continue;
2753  const Token* tok = function->arg->link()->next();
2754  if (tok->str() != ":")
2755  continue;
2757  for (; tok != scope->bodyStart; tok = tok->next()) {
2758  if (Token::Match(tok, "[:,] %var% (|{")) {
2759  const Token* varTok = tok->next();
2760  if (Token::Match(varTok->astParent(), "(|{")) {
2761  if (const Token* initTok = varTok->astParent()->astOperand2()) {
2762  if (initTok->varId() == varTok->varId())
2763  selfInitializationError(tok, varTok->str());
2764  else if (initTok->isCast() && ((initTok->astOperand1() && initTok->astOperand1()->varId() == varTok->varId()) || (initTok->astOperand2() && initTok->astOperand2()->varId() == varTok->varId())))
2765  selfInitializationError(tok, varTok->str());
2766  }
2767  }
2768  }
2769  }
2770  }
2771 }
2773 void CheckClass::selfInitializationError(const Token* tok, const std::string& varname)
2774 {
2775  reportError(tok, Severity::error, "selfInitialization", "$symbol:" + varname + "\nMember variable '$symbol' is initialized by itself.", CWE665, Certainty::normal);
2776 }
2779 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2780 // Check for virtual function calls in constructor/destructor
2781 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2784 {
2786  return;
2787  logChecker("CheckClass::checkVirtualFunctionCallInConstructor"); // warning
2788  std::map<const Function *, std::list<const Token *>> virtualFunctionCallsMap;
2789  for (const Scope *scope : mSymbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
2790  if (scope->function == nullptr || !scope->function->hasBody() ||
2791  !(scope->function->isConstructor() ||
2792  scope->function->isDestructor()))
2793  continue;
2795  const std::list<const Token *> & virtualFunctionCalls = getVirtualFunctionCalls(*scope->function, virtualFunctionCallsMap);
2796  for (const Token *callToken : virtualFunctionCalls) {
2797  std::list<const Token *> callstack(1, callToken);
2798  getFirstVirtualFunctionCallStack(virtualFunctionCallsMap, callToken, callstack);
2799  if (callstack.empty())
2800  continue;
2801  const Function* const func = callstack.back()->function();
2802  if (!(func->hasVirtualSpecifier() || func->hasOverrideSpecifier()))
2803  continue;
2804  if (func->isPure())
2805  pureVirtualFunctionCallInConstructorError(scope->function, callstack, callstack.back()->str());
2806  else if (!func->hasFinalSpecifier() &&
2807  !(func->nestedIn && func->nestedIn->classDef && func->nestedIn->classDef->isFinalType()))
2808  virtualFunctionCallInConstructorError(scope->function, callstack, callstack.back()->str());
2809  }
2810  }
2811 }
2813 const std::list<const Token *> & CheckClass::getVirtualFunctionCalls(const Function & function,
2814  std::map<const Function *, std::list<const Token *>> & virtualFunctionCallsMap)
2815 {
2816  const std::map<const Function *, std::list<const Token *>>::const_iterator found = virtualFunctionCallsMap.find(&function);
2817  if (found != virtualFunctionCallsMap.end())
2818  return found->second;
2820  virtualFunctionCallsMap[&function] = std::list<const Token *>();
2821  std::list<const Token *> & virtualFunctionCalls = virtualFunctionCallsMap.find(&function)->second;
2823  if (!function.hasBody() || !function.functionScope)
2824  return virtualFunctionCalls;
2826  for (const Token *tok = function.arg->link(); tok != function.functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
2827  if (function.type != Function::eConstructor &&
2828  function.type != Function::eCopyConstructor &&
2829  function.type != Function::eMoveConstructor &&
2830  function.type != Function::eDestructor) {
2831  if ((Token::simpleMatch(tok, ") {") && tok->link() && Token::Match(tok->link()->previous(), "if|switch")) ||
2832  Token::simpleMatch(tok, "else {")) {
2833  // Assume pure virtual function call is prevented by "if|else|switch" condition
2834  tok = tok->linkAt(1);
2835  continue;
2836  }
2837  }
2838  if (tok->scope()->type == Scope::eLambda)
2839  tok = tok->scope()->bodyEnd->next();
2841  const Function * callFunction = tok->function();
2842  if (!callFunction ||
2843  function.nestedIn != callFunction->nestedIn ||
2844  Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), ".") ||
2845  !(tok->astParent() && (tok->astParent()->str() == "(" || (tok->astParent()->str() == "::" && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent()->astParent(), "(")))))
2846  continue;
2848  if (tok->previous() &&
2849  tok->previous()->str() == "(") {
2850  const Token * prev = tok->previous();
2851  if (prev->previous() &&
2852  (mSettings->library.ignorefunction(tok->str())
2853  || mSettings->library.ignorefunction(prev->previous()->str())))
2854  continue;
2855  }
2857  if (callFunction->isImplicitlyVirtual()) {
2858  if (!callFunction->isPure() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), "::"))
2859  continue;
2860  virtualFunctionCalls.push_back(tok);
2861  continue;
2862  }
2864  const std::list<const Token *> & virtualFunctionCallsOfTok = getVirtualFunctionCalls(*callFunction, virtualFunctionCallsMap);
2865  if (!virtualFunctionCallsOfTok.empty())
2866  virtualFunctionCalls.push_back(tok);
2867  }
2868  return virtualFunctionCalls;
2869 }
2872  std::map<const Function *, std::list<const Token *>> & virtualFunctionCallsMap,
2873  const Token * callToken,
2874  std::list<const Token *> & pureFuncStack)
2875 {
2876  const Function *callFunction = callToken->function();
2877  if (callFunction->isImplicitlyVirtual() && (!callFunction->isPure() || !callFunction->hasBody())) {
2878  pureFuncStack.push_back(callFunction->tokenDef);
2879  return;
2880  }
2881  std::map<const Function *, std::list<const Token *>>::const_iterator found = virtualFunctionCallsMap.find(callFunction);
2882  if (found == virtualFunctionCallsMap.cend() || found->second.empty()) {
2883  pureFuncStack.clear();
2884  return;
2885  }
2886  const Token * firstCall = *found->second.cbegin();
2887  pureFuncStack.push_back(firstCall);
2888  getFirstVirtualFunctionCallStack(virtualFunctionCallsMap, firstCall, pureFuncStack);
2889 }
2892  const Function * scopeFunction,
2893  const std::list<const Token *> & tokStack,
2894  const std::string &funcname)
2895 {
2896  if (scopeFunction && !mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("virtualCallInConstructor"))
2897  return;
2899  const char * scopeFunctionTypeName = scopeFunction ? getFunctionTypeName(scopeFunction->type) : "constructor";
2901  ErrorPath errorPath;
2902  std::transform(tokStack.cbegin(), tokStack.cend(), std::back_inserter(errorPath), [](const Token* tok) {
2903  return ErrorPathItem(tok, "Calling " + tok->str());
2904  });
2905  int lineNumber = 1;
2906  if (!errorPath.empty()) {
2907  lineNumber = errorPath.front().first->linenr();
2908  errorPath.back().second = funcname + " is a virtual function";
2909  }
2911  std::string constructorName;
2912  if (scopeFunction) {
2913  const Token *endToken = scopeFunction->argDef->link()->next();
2914  if (scopeFunction->type == Function::Type::eDestructor)
2915  constructorName = "~";
2916  for (const Token *tok = scopeFunction->tokenDef; tok != endToken; tok = tok->next()) {
2917  if (!constructorName.empty() && Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name%|%num% %name%|%num%"))
2918  constructorName += ' ';
2919  constructorName += tok->str();
2920  if (tok->str() == ")")
2921  break;
2922  }
2923  }
2925  reportError(errorPath, Severity::style, "virtualCallInConstructor",
2926  "Virtual function '" + funcname + "' is called from " + scopeFunctionTypeName + " '" + constructorName + "' at line " + std::to_string(lineNumber) + ". Dynamic binding is not used.", CWE(0U), Certainty::normal);
2927 }
2930  const Function * scopeFunction,
2931  const std::list<const Token *> & tokStack,
2932  const std::string &purefuncname)
2933 {
2934  const char * scopeFunctionTypeName = scopeFunction ? getFunctionTypeName(scopeFunction->type) : "constructor";
2936  ErrorPath errorPath;
2937  std::transform(tokStack.cbegin(), tokStack.cend(), std::back_inserter(errorPath), [](const Token* tok) {
2938  return ErrorPathItem(tok, "Calling " + tok->str());
2939  });
2940  if (!errorPath.empty())
2941  errorPath.back().second = purefuncname + " is a pure virtual function without body";
2943  reportError(errorPath, Severity::warning, "pureVirtualCall",
2944  "$symbol:" + purefuncname +"\n"
2945  "Call of pure virtual function '$symbol' in " + scopeFunctionTypeName + ".\n"
2946  "Call of pure virtual function '$symbol' in " + scopeFunctionTypeName + ". The call will fail during runtime.", CWE(0U), Certainty::normal);
2947 }
2950 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2951 // Check for members hiding inherited members with the same name
2952 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2955 {
2956  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("duplInheritedMember"))
2957  return;
2959  logChecker("CheckClass::checkDuplInheritedMembers"); // warning
2961  // Iterate over all classes
2962  for (const Type &classIt : mSymbolDatabase->typeList) {
2963  // Iterate over the parent classes
2964  checkDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(&classIt, &classIt);
2965  }
2966 }
2968 namespace {
2969  struct DuplMemberInfo {
2970  DuplMemberInfo(const Variable* cv, const Variable* pcv, const Type::BaseInfo* pc) : classVar(cv), parentClassVar(pcv), parentClass(pc) {}
2971  const Variable* classVar;
2972  const Variable* parentClassVar;
2973  const Type::BaseInfo* parentClass;
2974  };
2975  struct DuplMemberFuncInfo {
2976  DuplMemberFuncInfo(const Function* cf, const Function* pcf, const Type::BaseInfo* pc) : classFunc(cf), parentClassFunc(pcf), parentClass(pc) {}
2977  const Function* classFunc;
2978  const Function* parentClassFunc;
2979  const Type::BaseInfo* parentClass;
2980  };
2981 }
2983 static std::vector<DuplMemberInfo> getDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(const Type* typeCurrent, const Type* typeBase, bool skipPrivate = true)
2984 {
2985  std::vector<DuplMemberInfo> results;
2986  for (const Type::BaseInfo &parentClassIt : typeBase->derivedFrom) {
2987  // Check if there is info about the 'Base' class
2988  if (!parentClassIt.type || !parentClassIt.type->classScope)
2989  continue;
2990  // Don't crash on recursive templates
2991  if (parentClassIt.type == typeBase)
2992  continue;
2993  // Check if they have a member variable in common
2994  for (const Variable &classVarIt : typeCurrent->classScope->varlist) {
2995  for (const Variable &parentClassVarIt : parentClassIt.type->classScope->varlist) {
2996  if (classVarIt.name() == parentClassVarIt.name() && (!parentClassVarIt.isPrivate() || !skipPrivate)) // Check if the class and its parent have a common variable
2997  results.emplace_back(&classVarIt, &parentClassVarIt, &parentClassIt);
2998  }
2999  }
3000  if (typeCurrent != parentClassIt.type) {
3001  const auto recursive = getDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(typeCurrent, parentClassIt.type, skipPrivate);
3002  results.insert(results.end(), recursive.begin(), recursive.end());
3003  }
3004  }
3005  return results;
3006 }
3008 static std::vector<DuplMemberFuncInfo> getDuplInheritedMemberFunctionsRecursive(const Type* typeCurrent, const Type* typeBase, bool skipPrivate = true)
3009 {
3010  std::vector<DuplMemberFuncInfo> results;
3011  for (const Type::BaseInfo &parentClassIt : typeBase->derivedFrom) {
3012  // Check if there is info about the 'Base' class
3013  if (!parentClassIt.type || !parentClassIt.type->classScope)
3014  continue;
3015  // Don't crash on recursive templates
3016  if (parentClassIt.type == typeBase)
3017  continue;
3018  for (const Function& classFuncIt : typeCurrent->classScope->functionList) {
3019  if (classFuncIt.isImplicitlyVirtual())
3020  continue;
3021  for (const Function& parentClassFuncIt : parentClassIt.type->classScope->functionList) {
3022  if (classFuncIt.name() == parentClassFuncIt.name() &&
3023  (parentClassFuncIt.access != AccessControl::Private || !skipPrivate) &&
3024  !classFuncIt.isConstructor() && !classFuncIt.isDestructor() &&
3025  classFuncIt.argsMatch(parentClassIt.type->classScope, parentClassFuncIt.argDef, classFuncIt.argDef, emptyString, 0) &&
3026  (classFuncIt.isConst() == parentClassFuncIt.isConst() || Function::returnsConst(&classFuncIt) == Function::returnsConst(&parentClassFuncIt)) &&
3027  !(classFuncIt.isDelete() || parentClassFuncIt.isDelete()))
3028  results.emplace_back(&classFuncIt, &parentClassFuncIt, &parentClassIt);
3029  }
3030  }
3031  if (typeCurrent != parentClassIt.type) {
3032  const auto recursive = getDuplInheritedMemberFunctionsRecursive(typeCurrent, parentClassIt.type);
3033  results.insert(results.end(), recursive.begin(), recursive.end());
3034  }
3035  }
3036  return results;
3037 }
3039 void CheckClass::checkDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(const Type* typeCurrent, const Type* typeBase)
3040 {
3041  const auto resultsVar = getDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(typeCurrent, typeBase);
3042  for (const auto& r : resultsVar) {
3043  duplInheritedMembersError(r.classVar->nameToken(), r.parentClassVar->nameToken(),
3044  typeCurrent->name(), r.parentClass->type->name(), r.classVar->name(),
3045  typeCurrent->classScope->type == Scope::eStruct,
3046  r.parentClass->type->classScope->type == Scope::eStruct);
3047  }
3049  const auto resultsFunc = getDuplInheritedMemberFunctionsRecursive(typeCurrent, typeBase);
3050  for (const auto& r : resultsFunc) {
3051  duplInheritedMembersError(r.classFunc->token, r.parentClassFunc->token,
3052  typeCurrent->name(), r.parentClass->type->name(), r.classFunc->name(),
3053  typeCurrent->classScope->type == Scope::eStruct,
3054  r.parentClass->type->classScope->type == Scope::eStruct, /*isFunction*/ true);
3055  }
3056 }
3058 void CheckClass::duplInheritedMembersError(const Token *tok1, const Token* tok2,
3059  const std::string &derivedName, const std::string &baseName,
3060  const std::string &memberName, bool derivedIsStruct, bool baseIsStruct, bool isFunction)
3061 {
3062  ErrorPath errorPath;
3063  const std::string member = isFunction ? "function" : "variable";
3064  errorPath.emplace_back(tok2, "Parent " + member + " '" + baseName + "::" + memberName + "'");
3065  errorPath.emplace_back(tok1, "Derived " + member + " '" + derivedName + "::" + memberName + "'");
3067  const std::string symbols = "$symbol:" + derivedName + "\n$symbol:" + memberName + "\n$symbol:" + baseName;
3069  const std::string message = "The " + std::string(derivedIsStruct ? "struct" : "class") + " '" + derivedName +
3070  "' defines member " + member + " with name '" + memberName + "' also defined in its parent " +
3071  std::string(baseIsStruct ? "struct" : "class") + " '" + baseName + "'.";
3072  reportError(errorPath, Severity::warning, "duplInheritedMember", symbols + '\n' + message, CWE398, Certainty::normal);
3073 }
3076 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3077 // Check that copy constructor and operator defined together
3078 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3080 enum class CtorType {
3081  NO,
3084 };
3087 {
3088  // This is disabled because of #8388
3089  // The message must be clarified. How is the behaviour different?
3090  // cppcheck-suppress unreachableCode - remove when code is enabled again
3091  if ((true) || !mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning)) // NOLINT(readability-simplify-boolean-expr)
3092  return;
3094  // logChecker
3096  for (const Scope * scope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3098  const bool hasNonStaticVars = std::any_of(scope->varlist.begin(), scope->varlist.end(), [](const Variable& var) {
3099  return !var.isStatic();
3100  });
3101  if (!hasNonStaticVars)
3102  continue;
3104  CtorType copyCtors = CtorType::NO;
3105  bool moveCtor = false;
3106  CtorType assignmentOperators = CtorType::NO;
3108  for (const Function &func : scope->functionList) {
3109  if (copyCtors == CtorType::NO && func.type == Function::eCopyConstructor) {
3110  copyCtors = func.hasBody() ? CtorType::WITH_BODY : CtorType::WITHOUT_BODY;
3111  }
3112  if (assignmentOperators == CtorType::NO && func.type == Function::eOperatorEqual) {
3113  const Variable * variable = func.getArgumentVar(0);
3114  if (variable && variable->type() && variable->type()->classScope == scope) {
3115  assignmentOperators = func.hasBody() ? CtorType::WITH_BODY : CtorType::WITHOUT_BODY;
3116  }
3117  }
3118  if (func.type == Function::eMoveConstructor) {
3119  moveCtor = true;
3120  break;
3121  }
3122  }
3124  if (moveCtor)
3125  continue;
3127  // No method defined
3128  if (copyCtors != CtorType::WITH_BODY && assignmentOperators != CtorType::WITH_BODY)
3129  continue;
3131  // both methods are defined
3132  if (copyCtors != CtorType::NO && assignmentOperators != CtorType::NO)
3133  continue;
3135  copyCtorAndEqOperatorError(scope->classDef, scope->className, scope->type == Scope::eStruct, copyCtors == CtorType::WITH_BODY);
3136  }
3137 }
3139 void CheckClass::copyCtorAndEqOperatorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct, bool hasCopyCtor)
3140 {
3141  const std::string message = "$symbol:" + classname + "\n"
3142  "The " + std::string(isStruct ? "struct" : "class") + " '$symbol' has '" +
3144  "' but lack of '" + getFunctionTypeName(hasCopyCtor ? Function::eOperatorEqual : Function::eCopyConstructor) +
3145  "'.";
3146  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "copyCtorAndEqOperator", message);
3147 }
3150 {
3151  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("missingOverride"))
3152  return;
3154  return;
3155  logChecker("CheckClass::checkMissingOverride"); // style,c++03
3156  for (const Scope * classScope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3157  if (!classScope->definedType || classScope->definedType->derivedFrom.empty())
3158  continue;
3159  for (const Function &func : classScope->functionList) {
3160  if (func.hasOverrideSpecifier() || func.hasFinalSpecifier())
3161  continue;
3162  const Function *baseFunc = func.getOverriddenFunction();
3163  if (baseFunc)
3164  overrideError(baseFunc, &func);
3165  }
3166  }
3167 }
3169 void CheckClass::overrideError(const Function *funcInBase, const Function *funcInDerived)
3170 {
3171  const std::string functionName = funcInDerived ? ((funcInDerived->isDestructor() ? "~" : "") + funcInDerived->name()) : "";
3172  const std::string funcType = (funcInDerived && funcInDerived->isDestructor()) ? "destructor" : "function";
3174  ErrorPath errorPath;
3175  if (funcInBase && funcInDerived) {
3176  errorPath.emplace_back(funcInBase->tokenDef, "Virtual " + funcType + " in base class");
3177  errorPath.emplace_back(funcInDerived->tokenDef, char(std::toupper(funcType[0])) + funcType.substr(1) + " in derived class");
3178  }
3180  reportError(errorPath, Severity::style, "missingOverride",
3181  "$symbol:" + functionName + "\n"
3182  "The " + funcType + " '$symbol' overrides a " + funcType + " in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier.",
3183  CWE(0U) /* Unknown CWE! */,
3185 }
3187 void CheckClass::uselessOverrideError(const Function *funcInBase, const Function *funcInDerived, bool isSameCode)
3188 {
3189  const std::string functionName = funcInDerived ? ((funcInDerived->isDestructor() ? "~" : "") + funcInDerived->name()) : "";
3190  const std::string funcType = (funcInDerived && funcInDerived->isDestructor()) ? "destructor" : "function";
3192  ErrorPath errorPath;
3193  if (funcInBase && funcInDerived) {
3194  errorPath.emplace_back(funcInBase->tokenDef, "Virtual " + funcType + " in base class");
3195  errorPath.emplace_back(funcInDerived->tokenDef, char(std::toupper(funcType[0])) + funcType.substr(1) + " in derived class");
3196  }
3198  std::string errStr = "\nThe " + funcType + " '$symbol' overrides a " + funcType + " in a base class but ";
3199  if (isSameCode) {
3200  errStr += "is identical to the overridden function";
3201  }
3202  else
3203  errStr += "just delegates back to the base class.";
3204  reportError(errorPath, Severity::style, "uselessOverride",
3205  "$symbol:" + functionName +
3206  errStr,
3207  CWE(0U) /* Unknown CWE! */,
3209 }
3211 static const Token* getSingleFunctionCall(const Scope* scope) {
3212  const Token* const start = scope->bodyStart->next();
3213  const Token* const end = Token::findsimplematch(start, ";", 1, scope->bodyEnd);
3214  if (!end || end->next() != scope->bodyEnd)
3215  return nullptr;
3216  const Token* ftok = start;
3217  if (ftok->str() == "return")
3218  ftok = ftok->astOperand1();
3219  else {
3220  while (Token::Match(ftok, "%name%|::"))
3221  ftok = ftok->next();
3222  }
3223  if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "(") && ftok->previous()->function())
3224  return ftok->previous();
3225  return nullptr;
3226 }
3228 static bool compareTokenRanges(const Token* start1, const Token* end1, const Token* start2, const Token* end2) {
3229  const Token* tok1 = start1;
3230  const Token* tok2 = start2;
3231  bool isEqual = false;
3232  while (tok1 && tok2) {
3233  if (tok1->function() != tok2->function())
3234  break;
3235  if (tok1->str() != tok2->str())
3236  break;
3237  if (tok1->str() == "this")
3238  break;
3239  if (tok1->isExpandedMacro() || tok2->isExpandedMacro())
3240  break;
3241  if (tok1 == end1 && tok2 == end2) {
3242  isEqual = true;
3243  break;
3244  }
3245  tok1 = tok1->next();
3246  tok2 = tok2->next();
3247  }
3248  return isEqual;
3249 }
3252 {
3253  if (!mSettings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) && !mSettings->isPremiumEnabled("uselessOverride"))
3254  return;
3256  logChecker("CheckClass::checkUselessOverride"); // style
3258  for (const Scope* classScope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3259  if (!classScope->definedType || classScope->definedType->derivedFrom.size() != 1)
3260  continue;
3261  for (const Function& func : classScope->functionList) {
3262  if (!func.functionScope)
3263  continue;
3264  if (func.hasFinalSpecifier())
3265  continue;
3266  const Function* baseFunc = func.getOverriddenFunction();
3267  if (!baseFunc || baseFunc->isPure() || baseFunc->access != func.access)
3268  continue;
3269  if (std::any_of(classScope->functionList.begin(), classScope->functionList.end(), [&func](const Function& f) { // check for overloads
3270  if (&f == &func)
3271  return false;
3272  return f.name() == func.name();
3273  }))
3274  continue;
3275  if (func.token->isExpandedMacro() || baseFunc->token->isExpandedMacro())
3276  continue;
3277  if (baseFunc->functionScope) {
3278  bool isSameCode = compareTokenRanges(baseFunc->argDef, baseFunc->argDef->link(), func.argDef, func.argDef->link()); // function arguments
3279  if (isSameCode) {
3280  isSameCode = compareTokenRanges(baseFunc->functionScope->bodyStart, baseFunc->functionScope->bodyEnd, // function body
3283  if (isSameCode) {
3284  // bailout for shadowed members
3285  if (!classScope->definedType ||
3286  !getDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(classScope->definedType, classScope->definedType, /*skipPrivate*/ false).empty() ||
3287  !getDuplInheritedMemberFunctionsRecursive(classScope->definedType, classScope->definedType, /*skipPrivate*/ false).empty())
3288  continue;
3289  uselessOverrideError(baseFunc, &func, true);
3290  continue;
3291  }
3292  }
3293  }
3294  if (const Token* const call = getSingleFunctionCall(func.functionScope)) {
3295  if (call->function() != baseFunc)
3296  continue;
3297  std::vector<const Token*> funcArgs = getArguments(func.tokenDef);
3298  std::vector<const Token*> callArgs = getArguments(call);
3299  if (funcArgs.size() != callArgs.size() ||
3300  !std::equal(funcArgs.begin(), funcArgs.end(), callArgs.begin(), [](const Token* t1, const Token* t2) {
3301  return t1->str() == t2->str();
3302  }))
3303  continue;
3304  uselessOverrideError(baseFunc, &func);
3305  }
3306  }
3307  }
3308 }
3310 static const Variable* getSingleReturnVar(const Scope* scope) {
3311  if (!scope || !scope->bodyStart)
3312  return nullptr;
3313  const Token* const start = scope->bodyStart->next();
3314  const Token* const end = Token::findsimplematch(start, ";", 1, scope->bodyEnd);
3315  if (!end || end->next() != scope->bodyEnd)
3316  return nullptr;
3317  if (!start->astOperand1() || start->str() != "return")
3318  return nullptr;
3319  return start->astOperand1()->variable();
3320 }
3323 {
3325  return;
3327  logChecker("CheckClass::checkReturnByReference"); // performance
3329  for (const Scope* classScope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3330  for (const Function& func : classScope->functionList) {
3332  continue;
3333  if (func.isImplicitlyVirtual())
3334  continue;
3335  if (func.isOperator())
3336  continue;
3337  if (const Library::Container* container = mSettings->library.detectContainer(func.retDef))
3338  if (container->view)
3339  continue;
3340  if (const Variable* var = getSingleReturnVar(func.functionScope)) {
3341  if (!var->valueType())
3342  continue;
3343  if (var->isArgument())
3344  continue;
3345  const bool isContainer = var->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::CONTAINER && var->valueType()->container;
3346  const bool isView = isContainer && var->valueType()->container->view;
3347  bool warn = isContainer && !isView;
3348  if (!warn && !isView) {
3349  const std::size_t size = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*var->valueType(), *mSettings);
3350  if (size > 2 * mSettings->platform.sizeof_pointer)
3351  warn = true;
3352  }
3353  if (warn)
3354  returnByReferenceError(&func, var);
3355  }
3356  }
3357  }
3358 }
3361 {
3362  const Token* tok = func ? func->tokenDef : nullptr;
3363  const std::string message = "Function '" + (func ? func->name() : "func") + "()' should return member '" + (var ? var->name() : "var") + "' by const reference.";
3364  reportError(tok, Severity::performance, "returnByReference", message);
3365 }
3368 {
3370  return;
3372  logChecker("CheckClass::checkThisUseAfterFree"); // warning
3374  for (const Scope * classScope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3376  for (const Variable &var : classScope->varlist) {
3377  // Find possible "self pointer".. pointer/smartpointer member variable of "self" type.
3378  if (var.valueType() && var.valueType()->smartPointerType != classScope->definedType && var.valueType()->typeScope != classScope) {
3379  const ValueType valueType = ValueType::parseDecl(var.typeStartToken(), *mSettings);
3380  if (valueType.smartPointerType != classScope->definedType)
3381  continue;
3382  }
3384  // If variable is not static, check that "this" is assigned
3385  if (!var.isStatic()) {
3386  bool hasAssign = false;
3387  for (const Function &func : classScope->functionList) {
3388  if (func.type != Function::Type::eFunction || !func.hasBody())
3389  continue;
3390  for (const Token *tok = func.functionScope->bodyStart; tok != func.functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
3391  if (Token::Match(tok, "%varid% = this|shared_from_this", var.declarationId())) {
3392  hasAssign = true;
3393  break;
3394  }
3395  }
3396  if (hasAssign)
3397  break;
3398  }
3399  if (!hasAssign)
3400  continue;
3401  }
3403  // Check usage of self pointer..
3404  for (const Function &func : classScope->functionList) {
3405  if (func.type != Function::Type::eFunction || !func.hasBody())
3406  continue;
3408  const Token * freeToken = nullptr;
3409  std::set<const Function *> callstack;
3410  checkThisUseAfterFreeRecursive(classScope, &func, &var, std::move(callstack), freeToken);
3411  }
3412  }
3413  }
3414 }
3416 bool CheckClass::checkThisUseAfterFreeRecursive(const Scope *classScope, const Function *func, const Variable *selfPointer, std::set<const Function *> callstack, const Token *&freeToken)
3417 {
3418  if (!func || !func->functionScope)
3419  return false;
3421  // avoid recursion
3422  if (callstack.count(func))
3423  return false;
3424  callstack.insert(func);
3426  const Token * const bodyStart = func->functionScope->bodyStart;
3427  const Token * const bodyEnd = func->functionScope->bodyEnd;
3428  for (const Token *tok = bodyStart; tok != bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
3429  const bool isDestroyed = freeToken != nullptr && !func->isStatic();
3430  if (Token::Match(tok, "delete %var% ;") && selfPointer == tok->next()->variable()) {
3431  freeToken = tok;
3432  tok = tok->tokAt(2);
3433  } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% . reset ( )") && selfPointer == tok->variable())
3434  freeToken = tok;
3435  else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "!!. %name% (") && tok->function() && tok->function()->nestedIn == classScope) {
3436  if (isDestroyed) {
3437  thisUseAfterFree(selfPointer->nameToken(), freeToken, tok);
3438  return true;
3439  }
3440  if (checkThisUseAfterFreeRecursive(classScope, tok->function(), selfPointer, callstack, freeToken))
3441  return true;
3442  } else if (isDestroyed && Token::Match(tok->previous(), "!!. %name%") && tok->variable() && tok->variable()->scope() == classScope && !tok->variable()->isStatic() && !tok->variable()->isArgument()) {
3443  thisUseAfterFree(selfPointer->nameToken(), freeToken, tok);
3444  return true;
3445  } else if (freeToken && Token::Match(tok, "return|throw")) {
3446  // TODO
3447  return tok->str() == "throw";
3448  } else if (tok->str() == "{" && tok->scope()->type == Scope::ScopeType::eLambda) {
3449  tok = tok->link();
3450  }
3451  }
3452  return false;
3453 }
3455 void CheckClass::thisUseAfterFree(const Token *self, const Token *free, const Token *use)
3456 {
3457  std::string selfPointer = self ? self->str() : "ptr";
3458  const ErrorPath errorPath = { ErrorPathItem(self, "Assuming '" + selfPointer + "' is used as 'this'"), ErrorPathItem(free, "Delete '" + selfPointer + "', invalidating 'this'"), ErrorPathItem(use, "Call method when 'this' is invalid") };
3459  const std::string usestr = use ? use->str() : "x";
3460  const std::string usemsg = use && use->function() ? ("Calling method '" + usestr + "()'") : ("Using member '" + usestr + "'");
3461  reportError(errorPath, Severity::warning, "thisUseAfterFree",
3462  "$symbol:" + selfPointer + "\n" +
3463  usemsg + " when 'this' might be invalid",
3464  CWE(0), Certainty::normal);
3465 }
3468 {
3470  return;
3471  logChecker("CheckClass::checkUnsafeClassRefMember"); // warning,safeChecks
3472  for (const Scope * classScope : mSymbolDatabase->classAndStructScopes) {
3473  for (const Function &func : classScope->functionList) {
3474  if (!func.hasBody() || !func.isConstructor())
3475  continue;
3477  const Token *initList = func.constructorMemberInitialization();
3478  while (Token::Match(initList, "[:,] %name% (")) {
3479  if (Token::Match(initList->tokAt(2), "( %var% )")) {
3480  const Variable * const memberVar = initList->next()->variable();
3481  const Variable * const argVar = initList->tokAt(3)->variable();
3482  if (memberVar && argVar && memberVar->isConst() && memberVar->isReference() && argVar->isArgument() && argVar->isConst() && argVar->isReference())
3483  unsafeClassRefMemberError(initList->next(), classScope->className + "::" + memberVar->name());
3484  }
3485  initList = initList->linkAt(2)->next();
3486  }
3487  }
3488  }
3489 }
3491 void CheckClass::unsafeClassRefMemberError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
3492 {
3493  reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "unsafeClassRefMember",
3494  "$symbol:" + varname + "\n"
3495  "Unsafe class: The const reference member '$symbol' is initialized by a const reference constructor argument. You need to be careful about lifetime issues.\n"
3496  "Unsafe class checking: The const reference member '$symbol' is initialized by a const reference constructor argument. You need to be careful about lifetime issues. If you pass a local variable or temporary value in this constructor argument, be extra careful. If the argument is always some global object that is never destroyed then this is safe usage. However it would be defensive to make the member '$symbol' a non-reference variable or a smart pointer.",
3497  CWE(0), Certainty::normal);
3498 }
3500 // a Clang-built executable will crash when using the anonymous MyFileInfo later on - so put it in a unique namespace for now
3501 // see https://trac.cppcheck.net/ticket/12108 for more details
3502 #ifdef __clang__
3503 inline namespace CheckClass_internal
3504 #else
3505 namespace
3506 #endif
3507 {
3508  /* multifile checking; one definition rule violations */
3509  class MyFileInfo : public Check::FileInfo {
3510  public:
3511  struct NameLoc {
3512  std::string className;
3513  std::string fileName;
3514  int lineNumber;
3515  int column;
3516  std::size_t hash;
3518  bool isSameLocation(const NameLoc& other) const {
3519  return fileName == other.fileName &&
3520  lineNumber == other.lineNumber &&
3521  column == other.column;
3522  }
3523  };
3524  std::vector<NameLoc> classDefinitions;
3526  /** Convert data into xml string */
3527  std::string toString() const override
3528  {
3529  std::string ret;
3530  for (const NameLoc &nameLoc: classDefinitions) {
3531  ret += "<class name=\"" + ErrorLogger::toxml(nameLoc.className) +
3532  "\" file=\"" + ErrorLogger::toxml(nameLoc.fileName) +
3533  "\" line=\"" + std::to_string(nameLoc.lineNumber) +
3534  "\" col=\"" + std::to_string(nameLoc.column) +
3535  "\" hash=\"" + std::to_string(nameLoc.hash) +
3536  "\"/>\n";
3537  }
3538  return ret;
3539  }
3540  };
3541 }
3543 Check::FileInfo *CheckClass::getFileInfo(const Tokenizer &tokenizer, const Settings& /*settings*/) const
3544 {
3545  if (!tokenizer.isCPP())
3546  return nullptr;
3548  // One definition rule
3549  std::vector<MyFileInfo::NameLoc> classDefinitions;
3550  for (const Scope * classScope : tokenizer.getSymbolDatabase()->classAndStructScopes) {
3551  if (classScope->isAnonymous())
3552  continue;
3554  if (classScope->classDef && Token::simpleMatch(classScope->classDef->previous(), ">"))
3555  continue;
3557  // the full definition must be compared
3558  const bool fullDefinition = std::all_of(classScope->functionList.cbegin(),
3559  classScope->functionList.cend(),
3560  [](const Function& f) {
3561  return f.hasBody();
3562  });
3563  if (!fullDefinition)
3564  continue;
3566  std::string name;
3567  const Scope *scope = classScope;
3568  while (scope->isClassOrStruct() && !classScope->className.empty()) {
3569  if (Token::Match(scope->classDef, "struct|class %name% :: %name%")) {
3570  // TODO handle such classnames
3571  name.clear();
3572  break;
3573  }
3574  name = scope->className + "::" + name;
3575  scope = scope->nestedIn;
3576  }
3577  if (name.empty())
3578  continue;
3579  name.erase(name.size() - 2);
3580  if (scope->type != Scope::ScopeType::eGlobal)
3581  continue;
3583  MyFileInfo::NameLoc nameLoc;
3584  nameLoc.className = std::move(name);
3585  nameLoc.fileName = tokenizer.list.file(classScope->classDef);
3586  nameLoc.lineNumber = classScope->classDef->linenr();
3587  nameLoc.column = classScope->classDef->column();
3589  // Calculate hash from the full class/struct definition
3590  std::string def;
3591  for (const Token *tok = classScope->classDef; tok != classScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next())
3592  def += tok->str();
3593  for (const Function &f: classScope->functionList) {
3594  if (f.functionScope && f.functionScope->nestedIn != classScope) {
3595  for (const Token *tok = f.functionScope->bodyStart; tok != f.functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next())
3596  def += tok->str();
3597  }
3598  }
3599  nameLoc.hash = std::hash<std::string> {}(def);
3601  classDefinitions.push_back(std::move(nameLoc));
3602  }
3604  if (classDefinitions.empty())
3605  return nullptr;
3607  auto *fileInfo = new MyFileInfo;
3608  fileInfo->classDefinitions.swap(classDefinitions);
3609  return fileInfo;
3610 }
3612 Check::FileInfo * CheckClass::loadFileInfoFromXml(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xmlElement) const
3613 {
3614  auto *fileInfo = new MyFileInfo;
3615  for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = xmlElement->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) {
3616  if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "class") != 0)
3617  continue;
3618  const char *name = e->Attribute("name");
3619  const char *file = e->Attribute("file");
3620  const char *line = e->Attribute("line");
3621  const char *col = e->Attribute("col");
3622  const char *hash = e->Attribute("hash");
3623  if (name && file && line && col && hash) {
3624  MyFileInfo::NameLoc nameLoc;
3625  nameLoc.className = name;
3626  nameLoc.fileName = file;
3627  nameLoc.lineNumber = strToInt<int>(line);
3628  nameLoc.column = strToInt<int>(col);
3629  nameLoc.hash = strToInt<std::size_t>(hash);
3630  fileInfo->classDefinitions.push_back(std::move(nameLoc));
3631  }
3632  }
3633  if (fileInfo->classDefinitions.empty()) {
3634  delete fileInfo;
3635  fileInfo = nullptr;
3636  }
3637  return fileInfo;
3638 }
3640 bool CheckClass::analyseWholeProgram(const CTU::FileInfo *ctu, const std::list<Check::FileInfo*> &fileInfo, const Settings& settings, ErrorLogger &errorLogger)
3641 {
3642  bool foundErrors = false;
3643  (void)ctu; // This argument is unused
3644  (void)settings; // This argument is unused
3646  std::unordered_map<std::string, MyFileInfo::NameLoc> all;
3648  CheckClass dummy(nullptr, &settings, &errorLogger);
3649  dummy.
3650  logChecker("CheckClass::analyseWholeProgram");
3652  for (const Check::FileInfo* fi1 : fileInfo) {
3653  const MyFileInfo *fi = dynamic_cast<const MyFileInfo*>(fi1);
3654  if (!fi)
3655  continue;
3656  for (const MyFileInfo::NameLoc &nameLoc : fi->classDefinitions) {
3657  auto it = all.find(nameLoc.className);
3658  if (it == all.end()) {
3659  all[nameLoc.className] = nameLoc;
3660  continue;
3661  }
3662  if (it->second.hash == nameLoc.hash)
3663  continue;
3664  // Same location, sometimes the hash is different wrongly (possibly because of different token simplifications).
3665  if (it->second.isSameLocation(nameLoc))
3666  continue;
3668  std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> locationList;
3669  locationList.emplace_back(nameLoc.fileName, nameLoc.lineNumber, nameLoc.column);
3670  locationList.emplace_back(it->second.fileName, it->second.lineNumber, it->second.column);
3672  const ErrorMessage errmsg(std::move(locationList),
3673  emptyString,
3675  "$symbol:" + nameLoc.className +
3676  "\nThe one definition rule is violated, different classes/structs have the same name '$symbol'",
3677  "ctuOneDefinitionRuleViolation",
3680  errorLogger.reportErr(errmsg);
3682  foundErrors = true;
3683  }
3684  }
3685  return foundErrors;
3686 }
std::vector< const Token * > getArguments(const Token *ftok)
Get arguments (AST)
Definition: astutils.cpp:3083
bool astIsRangeBasedForDecl(const Token *tok)
Is given token a range-declaration in a range-based for loop.
Definition: astutils.cpp:321
bool precedes(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2)
If tok2 comes after tok1.
Definition: astutils.cpp:994
bool isLikelyStreamRead(const Token *op)
do we see a likely write of rhs through overloaded operator s >> x; a & x;
Definition: astutils.cpp:3221
const Token * findLambdaEndToken(const Token *first)
find lambda function end token
Definition: astutils.cpp:3195
bool isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(const Token *tok, int indirect, nonneg int varid, const Settings &settings, bool *inconclusive)
Is variable changed by function call? In case the answer of the question is inconclusive,...
Definition: astutils.cpp:2263
const Token * previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(const Token *tok)
Definition: astutils.cpp:514
void visitAstNodes(T *ast, const TFunc &visitor)
Visit AST nodes recursively.
Definition: astutils.h:54
bool isEqual(T x, T y)
Definition: calculate.h:28
Use WRONG_DATA in checkers to mark conditions that check that data is correct.
Definition: check.h:50
static bool isVclTypeInit(const Type *type)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:105
static std::vector< DuplMemberFuncInfo > getDuplInheritedMemberFunctionsRecursive(const Type *typeCurrent, const Type *typeBase, bool skipPrivate=true)
static const Token * getFuncTokFromThis(const Token *tok)
static const CWE CWE398(398U)
static const CWE CWE762(762U)
static std::vector< DuplMemberInfo > getDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(const Type *typeCurrent, const Type *typeBase, bool skipPrivate=true)
static const Token * getSingleFunctionCall(const Scope *scope)
static const CWE CWE758(758U)
static const CWE CWE665(665U)
static bool isTrueKeyword(const Token *tok)
static std::string noMemberErrorMessage(const Scope *scope, const char function[], bool isdefault)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:546
static const Variable * getSingleReturnVar(const Scope *scope)
static bool checkFunctionUsage(const Function *privfunc, const Scope *scope)
static const Scope * findFunctionOf(const Scope *scope)
static bool isVariableCopyNeeded(const Variable &var, Function::Type type)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:85
static const CWE CWE404(404U)
static bool hasNonCopyableBase(const Scope *scope, bool *unknown)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:384
static const char * getFunctionTypeName(Function::Type type)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:64
static bool compareTokenRanges(const Token *start1, const Token *end1, const Token *start2, const Token *end2)
static void getAllVariableMembers(const Scope *scope, std::vector< const Variable * > &varList)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:634
static bool isFalseKeyword(const Token *tok)
Check classes.
Definition: checkclass.h:52
static bool isConstMemberFunc(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok)
bool checkThisUseAfterFreeRecursive(const Scope *classScope, const Function *func, const Variable *selfPointer, std::set< const Function * > callstack, const Token *&freeToken)
Helper for checkThisUseAfterFree.
bool analyseWholeProgram(const CTU::FileInfo *ctu, const std::list< Check::FileInfo * > &fileInfo, const Settings &settings, ErrorLogger &errorLogger) override
Analyse all file infos for all TU.
void operatorEqMissingReturnStatementError(const Token *tok, bool error)
static void getFirstVirtualFunctionCallStack(std::map< const Function *, std::list< const Token * >> &virtualFunctionCallsMap, const Token *callToken, std::list< const Token * > &pureFuncStack)
looks for the first virtual function call stack
bool checkConstFunc(const Scope *scope, const Function *func, MemberAccess &memberAccessed) const
void overrideError(const Function *funcInBase, const Function *funcInDerived)
const SymbolDatabase * mSymbolDatabase
Definition: checkclass.h:178
Check::FileInfo * getFileInfo(const Tokenizer &tokenizer, const Settings &settings) const override
Parse current TU and extract file info.
bool hasAllocation(const Function *func, const Scope *scope) const
void checkCopyCtorAndEqOperator()
Check that copy constructor and operator defined together.
void checkOverride()
Check that the override keyword is used when overriding virtual functions.
void uninitVarError(const Token *tok, bool isprivate, Function::Type functionType, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, bool derived, bool inconclusive)
void thisSubtraction()
warn for "this-x".
void checkThisUseAfterFree()
When "self pointer" is destroyed, 'this' might become invalid.
void initializerListError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, const std::string &argname={})
void checkReturnPtrThis(const Scope *scope, const Function *func, const Token *tok, const Token *last)
void noExplicitConstructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct)
void operatorEqRetRefThis()
'operator=' should return reference to *this
void operatorEqToSelfError(const Token *tok)
void operatorEqVarError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname, bool inconclusive)
void duplInheritedMembersError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &derivedName, const std::string &baseName, const std::string &memberName, bool derivedIsStruct, bool baseIsStruct, bool isFunction=false)
void uselessOverrideError(const Function *funcInBase, const Function *funcInDerived, bool isSameCode=false)
static void initVar(std::vector< Usage > &usageList, nonneg int varid)
initialize a variable in the varlist
Definition: checkclass.cpp:685
static bool canNotCopy(const Scope *scope)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:581
void mallocOnClassWarning(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const Token *classTok)
void copyConstructorShallowCopyError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:540
void unusedPrivateFunctionError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname)
void checkUnsafeClassRefMember()
Unsafe class check - const reference member.
void virtualFunctionCallInConstructorError(const Function *scopeFunction, const std::list< const Token * > &tokStack, const std::string &funcname)
This constructor is used when registering the CheckClass.
Definition: checkclass.h:59
static bool hasAssignSelf(const Function *func, const Token *rhs, const Token *&out_ifStatementScopeStart)
void thisSubtractionError(const Token *tok)
void checkReturnByReference()
Check that large members are returned by reference from getter function.
void checkDuplInheritedMembers()
Check duplicated inherited members.
void operatorEqToSelf()
'operator=' should check for assignment to self
static void assignAllVar(std::vector< Usage > &usageList)
set all variables in list assigned
Definition: checkclass.cpp:694
static bool isBaseClassMutableMemberFunc(const Token *tok, const Scope *scope)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:724
void selfInitializationError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
bool isMemberVar(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok) const
void operatorEqShouldBeLeftUnimplementedError(const Token *tok)
const std::list< const Token * > & getVirtualFunctionCalls(const Function &function, std::map< const Function *, std::list< const Token * >> &virtualFunctionCallsMap)
gives a list of tokens where virtual functions are called directly or indirectly
void mallocOnClassError(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const Token *classTok, const std::string &classname)
static bool canNotMove(const Scope *scope)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:605
void noConstructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct)
void privateFunctions()
Check that all private functions are called
void virtualDestructorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &Base, const std::string &Derived, bool inconclusive)
void checkUselessOverride()
Check that the overriden function is not identical to the base function.
static void clearAllVar(std::vector< Usage > &usageList)
set all variables in list not assigned and not initialized
Definition: checkclass.cpp:716
static bool isMemberFunc(const Scope *scope, const Token *tok)
void initializerListOrder()
Check initializer list order.
void initializationListUsage()
Suggest using initialization list.
static void assignAllVarsVisibleFromScope(std::vector< Usage > &usageList, const Scope *scope)
set all variable in list assigned, if visible from given scope
Definition: checkclass.cpp:700
void checkDuplInheritedMembersRecursive(const Type *typeCurrent, const Type *typeBase)
void initializeVarList(const Function &func, std::list< const Function * > &callstack, const Scope *scope, std::vector< Usage > &usage) const
parse a scope for a constructor or member function and set the "init" flags in the provided varlist
Definition: checkclass.cpp:751
void checkMemset()
Check that the memsets are valid.
void noDestructorError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:576
void missingMemberCopyError(const Token *tok, Function::Type functionType, const std::string &classname, const std::string &varname)
void checkVirtualFunctionCallInConstructor()
call of virtual function in constructor/destructor
static std::vector< Usage > createUsageList(const Scope *scope)
Create usage list that contains all scope members and also members of base classes without constructo...
Definition: checkclass.cpp:650
void memsetErrorFloat(const Token *tok, const std::string &type)
void noCopyConstructorError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc, bool inconclusive)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:566
void checkConstError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname, bool suggestStatic)
void constructors()
Check that all class constructors are ok
Definition: checkclass.cpp:128
void checkSelfInitialization()
Check for initialization of a member with itself.
static void assignVar(std::vector< Usage > &usageList, nonneg int varid)
assign a variable in the varlist
Definition: checkclass.cpp:662
void checkConstError2(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &classname, const std::string &funcname, bool suggestStatic)
static Bool isInverted(const Token *tok, const Token *rhs)
void operatorEqRetRefThisError(const Token *tok)
void checkMemsetType(const Scope *start, const Token *tok, const Scope *type, bool allocation, std::set< const Scope * > parsedTypes)
static const Token * getIfStmtBodyStart(const Token *tok, const Token *rhs)
void noOperatorEqError(const Scope *scope, bool isdefault, const Token *alloc, bool inconclusive)
Definition: checkclass.cpp:571
static const std::set< std::string > stl_containers_not_const
Set of the STL types whose operator[] is not const.
Definition: checkclass.h:62
Check::FileInfo * loadFileInfoFromXml(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xmlElement) const override
void virtualDestructor()
The destructor in a base class should be virtual.
void copyconstructors()
Definition: checkclass.cpp:408
void suggestInitializationList(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
void returnByReferenceError(const Function *func, const Variable *var)
void memsetErrorReference(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const std::string &type)
void pureVirtualFunctionCallInConstructorError(const Function *scopeFunction, const std::list< const Token * > &tokStack, const std::string &purefuncname)
void unsafeClassRefMemberError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
void memsetError(const Token *tok, const std::string &memfunc, const std::string &classname, const std::string &type, bool isContainer=false)
void checkConst()
can member function be const?
void thisUseAfterFree(const Token *self, const Token *free, const Token *use)
void checkExplicitConstructors()
Check that constructors with single parameter are explicit, if they has to be.
Definition: checkclass.cpp:339
void copyCtorAndEqOperatorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &classname, bool isStruct, bool hasCopyCtor)
bool hasAllocationInIfScope(const Function *func, const Scope *scope, const Token *ifStatementScopeStart) const
Base class used for whole-program analysis.
Definition: check.h:103
Interface class that cppcheck uses to communicate with the checks.
Definition: check.h:59
void reportError(const Token *tok, const Severity severity, const std::string &id, const std::string &msg)
report an error
Definition: check.h:138
const Settings *const mSettings
Definition: check.h:134
const Tokenizer *const mTokenizer
Definition: check.h:133
void logChecker(const char id[])
log checker
Definition: check.cpp:129
const std::string & name() const
class name, used to generate documentation
Definition: check.h:88
This is an interface, which the class responsible of error logging should implement.
Definition: errorlogger.h:214
virtual void reportErr(const ErrorMessage &msg)=0
Information about found errors and warnings is directed here.
static std::string toxml(const std::string &str)
Convert XML-sensitive characters into XML entities.
Wrapper for error messages, provided by reportErr()
Definition: errorlogger.h:48
bool isStatic() const
AccessControl access
nonneg int minArgCount() const
bool hasFinalSpecifier() const
const std::string & name() const
const Token * argDef
function argument start '(' in class definition
bool isPure() const
const Scope * functionScope
scope of function body
const Function * getOverriddenFunction(bool *foundAllBaseClasses=nullptr) const
get function in base class that is overridden
static bool returnsConst(const Function *function, bool unknown=false)
bool isInline() const
bool hasBody() const
Type type
constructor, destructor, ...
bool isOperator() const
static bool returnsPointer(const Function *function, bool unknown=false)
static bool returnsReference(const Function *function, bool unknown=false, bool includeRValueRef=false)
bool isExplicit() const
bool argsMatch(const Scope *scope, const Token *first, const Token *second, const std::string &path, nonneg int path_length) const
const Variable * getArgumentVar(nonneg int num) const
nonneg int argCount() const
const Token * retDef
function return type token
bool isImplicitlyVirtual(bool defaultVal=false) const
check if this function is virtual in the base classes
static bool returnsStandardType(const Function *function, bool unknown=false)
bool isDefault() const
bool isVariadic() const
const Token * constructorMemberInitialization() const
const Token * token
function name token in implementation
const ::Type * retType
function return type
const Token * arg
function argument start '('
const Scope * nestedIn
Scope the function is declared in.
bool hasOverrideSpecifier() const
bool hasVirtualSpecifier() const
const Token * tokenDef
function name token in class definition
bool isDelete() const
const Token * templateDef
points to 'template <' before function
bool isFriend() const
std::list< Variable > argumentList
argument list, must remain list due to clangimport usage!
bool isDestructor() const
bool isConstructor() const
bool isConst() const
Yield getYield(const std::string &function) const
Definition: library.h:255
const Container * detectContainerOrIterator(const Token *typeStart, bool *isIterator=nullptr, bool withoutStd=false) const
Definition: library.cpp:1241
bool isSmartPointer(const Token *tok) const
Definition: library.cpp:1713
const AllocFunc * getAllocFuncInfo(const Token *tok) const
get allocation info for function
Definition: library.cpp:1077
bool isScopeNoReturn(const Token *end, std::string *unknownFunc) const
Definition: library.cpp:1141
TypeCheck getTypeCheck(std::string check, std::string typeName) const
Definition: library.cpp:1751
const AllocFunc * getReallocFuncInfo(const Token *tok) const
get reallocation info for function
Definition: library.cpp:1095
const PodType * podtype(const std::string &name) const
Definition: library.h:450
const AllocFunc * getDeallocFuncInfo(const Token *tok) const
get deallocation info for function
Definition: library.cpp:1086
const Container * detectContainer(const Token *typeStart) const
Definition: library.cpp:1231
bool isFunctionConst(const std::string &functionName, bool pure) const
Definition: library.cpp:1534
bool ignorefunction(const std::string &functionName) const
Definition: library.cpp:1513
std::size_t sizeof_pointer
Definition: platform.h:102
std::list< Function > functionList
std::map< std::string, Type * > definedTypesMap
std::list< Variable > varlist
nonneg int numCopyOrMoveConstructors
std::multimap< std::string, const Function * > functionMap
std::vector< Scope * > nestedList
ScopeType type
const Function * getDestructor() const
Type * definedType
Function * function
function info for this function
const Function * findFunction(const Token *tok, bool requireConst=false) const
find a function
const Scope * nestedIn
const Token * classDef
class/struct/union/namespace token
const Token * bodyStart
'{' token
const Token * bodyEnd
'}' token
nonneg int numConstructors
std::string className
const Scope * functionOf
scope this function belongs to
const Variable * getVariable(const std::string &varname) const
get variable from name
bool isClassOrStruct() const
This is just a container for general settings so that we don't need to pass individual values to func...
Definition: settings.h:95
bool hasLib(const std::string &lib) const
Is library specified?
Definition: settings.h:439
Library library
Definition: settings.h:237
SafeChecks safeChecks
Definition: settings.h:356
Platform platform
Definition: settings.h:255
bool isPremiumEnabled(const char id[]) const
Is checker id enabled by premiumArgs.
Definition: settings.cpp:608
SimpleEnableGroup< Certainty > certainty
Definition: settings.h:359
SimpleEnableGroup< Severity > severity
Definition: settings.h:358
Standards standards
Struct contains standards settings.
Definition: settings.h:366
bool isEnabled(T flag) const
Definition: settings.h:66
const std::vector< const Variable * > & variableList() const
void debugMessage(const Token *tok, const std::string &type, const std::string &msg) const
output a debug message
std::list< Type > typeList
Fast access to types.
std::vector< const Scope * > functionScopes
Fast access to function scopes.
std::list< Scope > scopeList
Information about all namespaces/classes/structures.
std::vector< const Scope * > classAndStructScopes
Fast access to class and struct scopes.
const std::string & file(const Token *tok) const
get filename for given token
The token list that the TokenList generates is a linked-list of this class.
Definition: token.h:150
void str(T &&s)
Definition: token.h:179
Token * astTop()
Definition: token.h:1416
static bool Match(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], nonneg int varid=0)
Match given token (or list of tokens) to a pattern list.
Definition: token.cpp:688
bool isKeyword() const
Definition: token.h:358
bool isName() const
Definition: token.h:361
static const Token * findmatch(const Token *const startTok, const char pattern[], const nonneg int varId=0)
Definition: token.cpp:1065
bool hasKnownIntValue() const
Definition: token.cpp:2519
MathLib::bigint getKnownIntValue() const
Definition: token.h:1218
bool isExpandedMacro() const
Definition: token.h:455
bool isUpperCaseName() const
Definition: token.cpp:203
bool isCpp() const
Definition: token.cpp:2718
bool isFinalType() const
Definition: token.h:671
const ValueType * valueType() const
Definition: token.h:331
const std::string & strAt(int index) const
Definition: token.cpp:423
void astOperand1(Token *tok)
Definition: token.cpp:1456
void function(const Function *f)
Associate this token with given function.
Definition: token.cpp:1093
std::pair< const Token *, const Token * > findExpressionStartEndTokens() const
Definition: token.cpp:1514
nonneg int varId() const
Definition: token.h:870
bool isUnaryOp(const std::string &s) const
Definition: token.h:413
static const Token * findsimplematch(const Token *const startTok, const char(&pattern)[count])
Definition: token.h:763
const Token * tokAt(int index) const
Definition: token.cpp:393
Token::Type tokType() const
Definition: token.h:343
void astOperand2(Token *tok)
Definition: token.cpp:1468
void scope(const Scope *s)
Associate this token with given scope.
Definition: token.h:1042
void link(Token *linkToToken)
Create link to given token.
Definition: token.h:1015
const Token * linkAt(int index) const
Definition: token.cpp:413
@ eName
Definition: token.h:161
@ eIncDecOp
Definition: token.h:163
Token * previous()
Definition: token.h:862
void type(const ::Type *t)
Associate this token with given type.
Definition: token.cpp:2333
bool isAssignmentOp() const
Definition: token.h:401
bool isStandardType() const
Definition: token.h:449
void variable(const Variable *v)
Associate this token with given variable.
Definition: token.h:1070
Token * next()
Definition: token.h:830
const Token * nextArgument() const
Definition: token.cpp:869
static bool simpleMatch(const Token *tok, const char(&pattern)[count])
Match given token (or list of tokens) to a pattern list.
Definition: token.h:252
void astParent(Token *tok)
Definition: token.cpp:1437
The main purpose is to tokenize the source code.
Definition: tokenize.h:46
const Token * tokens() const
Definition: tokenize.h:592
TokenList list
Token list: stores all tokens.
Definition: tokenize.h:590
const SymbolDatabase * getSymbolDatabase() const
Definition: tokenize.h:563
bool isCPP() const
Is the code CPP.
Definition: tokenize.h:69
bool hasIfdef(const Token *start, const Token *end) const
Information about a class type.
const Scope * enclosingScope
const Token * classDef
Points to "class" token.
std::vector< BaseInfo > derivedFrom
std::string name() const
std::vector< FriendInfo > friendList
enum Type::NeedInitialization needInitialization
const Scope * classScope
Value type.
enum ValueType::Type type
const Library::Container * container
If the type is a container defined in a cfg file, this is the used.
bool isConst(nonneg int indirect=0) const
nonneg int pointer
0=>not pointer, 1=>*, 2=>**, 3=>***, etc
const Token * containerTypeToken
The container type token.
const Scope * typeScope
if the type definition is seen this point out the type scope
static ValueType parseDecl(const Token *type, const Settings &settings)
const ::Type * smartPointerType
Smart pointer type.
Information about a member variable.
bool hasDefault() const
Does variable have a default value.
bool isArgument() const
Is variable a function argument.
bool isEnumType() const
Determine whether it's an enumeration type.
bool isClass() const
Is variable a user defined (or unknown) type.
bool isArrayOrPointer() const
Is array or pointer variable.
const Type * smartPointerType() const
bool isReference() const
Is reference variable.
bool isFloatingType() const
Determine whether it's a floating number type.
std::string getTypeName() const
bool isStlType() const
Checks if the variable is an STL type ('std::') E.g.
bool isSmartPointer() const
const Type * type() const
Get Type pointer of known type.
const Scope * scope() const
Get Scope pointer of enclosing scope.
const Scope * typeScope() const
Get Scope pointer of known type.
const std::string & name() const
Get name string.
const Token * typeEndToken() const
Get type end token.
bool isConst() const
Is variable const.
bool isPointerArray() const
Is variable an array of pointers.
bool isArray() const
Is variable an array.
const Token * nameToken() const
Get name token.
bool isPrivate() const
Is variable private.
nonneg int declarationId() const
Get declaration ID (varId used for variable in its declaration).
bool isMutable() const
Is variable mutable.
const Token * typeStartToken() const
Get type start token.
bool isInit() const
Is variable initialized in its declaration.
const std::vector< Dimension > & dimensions() const
Get array dimensions.
bool isPointer() const
Is pointer variable.
bool isStatic() const
Is variable static.
const ValueType * valueType() const
std::string toString(Color c)
Definition: color.cpp:54
static const std::string emptyString
Definition: config.h:127
#define nonneg
Definition: config.h:138
std::pair< const Token *, std::string > ErrorPathItem
Definition: errortypes.h:129
std::list< ErrorPathItem > ErrorPath
Definition: errortypes.h:130
@ warning
@ portability
Portability warning.
@ style
Style warning.
@ performance
Performance warning.
@ error
Programming error.
Whole program analysis (ctu=Cross Translation Unit)
Definition: check.h:35
size_t getSizeOf(const ValueType &vt, const Settings &settings, int maxRecursion=0)
Definition: valueflow.cpp:1197
static constexpr char CWE[]
Definition: resultstree.cpp:67
Information about a member variable.
Definition: checkclass.h:315
BufferSize bufferSize
Definition: library.h:85
bool classes
Public interface of classes.
Definition: settings.h:334
enum Standards::cppstd_t cpp
AccessControl access
const Type * type
const Token * isLambdaCaptureList(const Token *tok)
bool endsWith(const std::string &str, char c)
Definition: utils.h:110
#define bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what)
Definition: valueflow.cpp:144